The Discourse on Abbaton

The Discourse on Abbaton

A wallpaper from Diablo 3 of the reaping angel of death, upon which I made several special modifications myself.

*Updated 10.08.2020* - Edited formatting for readability

Disclaimer: President Nelson recently prophesied that in the coming days, "it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost." Now, more than ever, is the time to pray to recognize truth. Though, this article is not official doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this is perhaps the most important article on my site: you will find an incredible amount of collective confirmations of topics covered here on this blog. Please pray earnestly before reading that you may hear and recognize not only the power of the Holy Ghost - but also who he is from the foundation of this world.

Note: An understanding of the central theses to this blog is paramount before reading this article. Please read or review the articles to the top-life, "The Seven Levels of Mankind" and the articles to the bottom left titled, "The Davidic Servant." This article is a breakdown of the apocryphon titled, "Discourse on Abbaton" and contains an incredible collective confirmation of knowledge of many of the topics covered on this blog.


The very first time I concluded the Davidic Servant was the eighth angel in authority was completely based off an esoteric experience - a personal revelation. Studying the seven levels of mankind, and the promises of overcoming placed this servant at the cusp of overcoming level six and joining the seven archangels of level seven, making the Davidic Servant ... the eighth angel. My studies confirmed the experience.

Later, I discover David is the eighth son of Jesse. There have been other confirmations, and I wish I could share all the many aspects of these experiences, but please just consider these few aspects. The eighth angel in authority is the one “who sitteth upon the throne.” He is the Davidic Servant. He is the Angel of the Lord of the Old Testament of whom the Lord says, “My name is in him.” 

Exodus 23:20 ¶ Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.
21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.
22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

The Angel of the Lord is the one who slays the enemies of Israel single handedly. He slew the 185,000 Assyrians who had laid siege to Jerusalem during King Hezekiah's reign and Isaiah's ministry. He slew the first born of Egypt. He parted the red sea and later drowned the armies of Pharoah. I cannot stress how important this destruction aspect is to understanding the lesser God of Israel, his role, and his destiny. This is the first of several articles I plan on writing to hopefully give this Destroyer aspect a full measure.

The law was given under Aaron for the purpose of pouring out Judments and destructions. ~ Joseph Smith, August 27, 1843

So, what is this apocryphon named Discourse on AbbatonBack about a year before I was born, Hugh Nibley wrote a series of articles centered around the apocryphal Book of Enoch and how modern scripture is reinforced by the Apocrypha. In those articles, he references “The Discourse on Abbaton” several times.

One old writing with unusually good credentials that trace back to books deposited by the apostles in the first Church archives in Jerusalem is the Coptic “Discourse of the Abbaton, a sermon based on the text delivered by Timothy the Archbishop of Alexandria.” ~ Hugh Nibley, “A Strange Thing in the Land: The Return of the Book of Enoch, Part 8,” Ensign, Dec. 1976, 73

The first transcriber of the discourse is Timothy, Patriarch of Alexandria, who transcribes a the "discourse" from the writings of the apostles which he found with the help of an old "presbyter" named John in the library of Jerusalem in 385 AD. If that sounds extremely cool, well, that’s because it is. Hugh Nibley cites this work to confirm knowledge on the premortal war, the creation, and the council in heaven. However, the absolutely most critically important aspects of The Discourse on Abbaton are all seemingly lost on Hugh B. Nibley. 

I am a big fan of Bruce Porter (An incredible video breakdown of the Book of Abraham and the Book of Joseph by Bruce Porter can be found here.) In addition to Mr. Nibley, Mr. Porter has a commentary as well on The Discourse on Abbaton that can be found here

In the above article, Brother Bruce makes some excellent points, including a particularly strong point about how the Adam God theory is explained simply within this coptic apocryphon. However, there is a mystery within this apocryphon that is also seemingly lost on Brother Porter as well! 

Normally, I don’t post an entire chapter or an entire apocryphal work in my articles; however, here I will make an exception and follow Brother Porter’s style linked above. The focus of my commentary in the article at large will be on those points that confirm the central thesis of this blog - that the Davidic Servant is sitting upon the throne of this world, and that he is ascending from the order of the seraphim, the sixth order of mankind, to join the “Holy Ones” (as the archangels are designated in 1 Enoch) as the 8th being in authority of this world. I may do a separate article on 3 Enoch, but I would be remiss if I didn't mentions this here. Of the beings exclusive to this world, the Davidic Servant is eighth in authority. Counting Jesus, he is ninth. Consider this passage from 3 Enoch where the Angel of the Lord, named Metatron here, states this:

3 Enoch 10:(3) And the herald went forth into every heaven, saying:This is Metatron, my servant. I have made him into a prince and a ruler over all the princes of my kingdoms and over all the children of heaven, except the eight great princes, the honoured and revered ones who are called YHWH, by the name of their King. 

In 3 Enoch, Metatron claims he is the angel of the Exodus 3 who bears the ineffable name as demonstrated in Exodus 23 above. Below is a simple textual representation of hierarchy:



Angel of the Lord 

We know Gabriel is second in command to Michael per Joseph Smith. However, we don't know the names and ranks of Archangels 5 down to 1, so they are represented by numbers. So, based on the above illustration, the Angel of the Lord is the 8th angel (messenger of YHWH) and even the 8th being of authority that is exclusive to this world. Yet there are 8 above in him who all bear the ineffable name, including the name's source, or YHWH Himself. Below is a partial list of other information confirmed in the Discourse on Abbaton.

Truths Confirmed by the Discourse on Abbaton

  • The Destroyer is the Angel of the Lord
  • The hidden aspect of the Angel / Davidic Servant 
  • The Angel of the Lord is the King of this world
  • The Angel of the Lord was hidden even from the Apostles
  • The Davidic Link to the Angel of the Lord
  • The number 8 in relation to the Angel of the Lord
  • Saul is a type of the devil
  • Council link to Abraham 3
  • Parallel authority - Saul / David - Devil / Mouriel
  • Confirms Michael / Gabriel are 1st and 2nd archangels
  • Confirms neither Michael nor Gabriel are acting as the “king” of this world.
  • Abaddon / King in Revelation 9 is a divine angelic monarchy
  • John as one of the two witnesses of Revelation 11

The two central theses to this blog are The Seven Levels of Mankind and the Davidic Servant. The sixth promise of overcoming in the Book of Revelation is the promised reward that the Davidic Servant is in the act of securing - I have made the case that he is the “chief” of the order of seraphim, and that he is ascending from the sixth order of mankind to join the seventh--that, ultimately, he is the 8th being in authority over this world next to the archangels, or patriarchs, themselves. 

This case has been made with just the standard works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, many apocryphal works confirm these truths, including 1 Enoch, 3 Enoch, The Apocalypse of Abraham, and the Apocalypse of Thomas. The Discourse on Abbaton has been the most incredible find to this end. “The Holy Ghost is the 8th being in authority on Earth," sounds a little crazy, admittedly! However, as crazy as that sounds, what are the chances of discovering an apocryphon with unusually good credentials that confirms exactly that!? 

I would have settled for that single confirmation alone, yet this apocryphon confirms so much more. This apocryphon confirms the fact that the choosing in Abraham 3 is between the devil and the Davidic servant - and not about choosing between the devil and Jesus Christ. (see article: Abraham and The Davidic Servant Part I)

This apocryphon confirms the Angel of the Lord is the one who sits upon the throne of this world, and the apocryphon confirms yet again the hidden aspect of the Angel of the Lord. I will leave it at that for now, and save my remaining comments for the apocryphon commentary and conclusion. Maybe grab a snack, and a drink … and a blanket. This is truly an amazing discovery. The rose text below is the text of the Discourse on Abbaton, and my commentary will be in light blue. Any bold, italics, or underlining within the Discourse is mine; however the CAPS used throughout the article were pasted as is from the source text I used for the work. I apologize for any formatting issues as is a little wonky with formatting.


By Timothy, Archbishop of Alexandria

The above statement appears to be made by someone other than Timothy, Archbishop of Rakote--which is confirmed by the text at the end that is attributed to the 900s AD. So it appears there is a discovery within a discovery within a discovery here, which poetically underscores the hidden aspect of the Angel of the Lord or the Davidic Servant.

I’m not sure why the text above is all in caps, but perhaps to isolate the outer layer of text written in the 900s from the text written by Timothy who then transcribes the Discourse on Abbaton in 385 AD, which original text is the final conversation between Jesus and His Apostles just before His final ascension in to heaven.

What is extremely interesting to me about this comment is apparently Timothy was seeking the answer to this very question: Who is the Abbaton? “Seek and ye shall find” is a recurrent theme with Archbishop Timothy’s seeking juxtaposed over the Apostles own quest to seek for answers to the very same question. In fact, if you haven’t prayed yet, I strongly recommend you pray and seek the answer to this same question. Who is Abbaton? Abbaton is spelled Abbadon in the King James Version of the Bible and his name is mentioned in Revelation 9:11 where Abbadon is the Hebrew name of this “angel of the bottomless pit” - Apollyon is his name in Greek. In Revelation 9, the fifth angel sounds and the bottomless pit is opened where terrible locusts are released upon the earth. Abbadon is named as the angel who is king over the locusts. Abbadon means “Destroyer” and Apollyon means “Doom.”

Hearken unto my speech, which is sweet and is filled with gladness of every kind! My Lord and my God crieth out to us daily in the Holy Gospel, saying, 'Every one who asketh shall receive, he who seeketh shall find, and to him that knocketh they will open.' And again, 'Everything which ye shall ask in My Name from (?) My Father, shall be unto you.' And the holy song-writer David saith, 'Blessed are they who are righteous in the way, and who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are the saints, and those who seek them. Blessed are those who walk in His testimonies, and who seek Him with their whole heart.' And again, 'Those who seek after the Lord shall not lack any manner of thing which is good.' Who are they who seek after the Lord? O my beloved, hearken attentively, O [ye] who love to hear, [and I will tell you]. Those who seek the Lord are all those wise men who meditate upon His law, and His commandments, and His righteous judgments, by day and by night, according to what is written, 'The law of God shall never be absent from thy mouth' (or speech). And again, 'It is meet that every man who is a Christian should fill his body with the fruits of his lips, as if it were corporeal food.' Those who seek after God are those men who inquire concerning the creation of the angels of God, and who make manifest their holy commemorations. Those who seek after God are all those men who seek after His saints, and who bear in remembrance the sufferings which they endured, and record (?) them in the churches. Those who seek after God are all the men who give alms, and charities, and offerings unto God at their holy commemorations, each one according to his power. Those who seek after God are all the men who love strangers (i.e. who shew hospitality), and those who love the poor, and who clothe the naked on the festival of the saints, each one according to his power. For this reason, then, O my beloved brethren, let us give this day unto the saints, each one according to his power. For this reason, then, O my beloved brethren, let us give with a right heart and with a perfect faith, in order that we may find them (i.e. our gifts) for ourselves in the day of our visitation. Our Saviour informeth us in the Holy Gospel, saying, 'Whosoever shall give one of these little ones even a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, Amen, I say unto you' . . . . .

The above statement appears to have been made by Timothy. I am reminded of Moroni 7 here, where everything that persuades folks to believe in God is sent forth by the gift and power of God. Clearly Timothy is aligned here with the Lord Jesus Christ. Again, the theme of seek and ye shall find is repeated. I must echo this myself. Finding this truly amazing apocryphon has been a result of my own seeking - my own quest to learn where the Lord has given me line upon line and has tested my faith and my obedience and in turn rewards me with rich treasures of knowledge. Those who seek after the Lord shall not lack any manner of thing which is good indeed!

[Three leaves wanting]

a week of days before the festival came. And in this manner we entered into the martyrdom of the holy God-bearer Mary, which had been built to her in the Valley of Jehosaphat, and we received a blessing, and we prayed together with those who had come there for the festival. And in this wise we were mindful of the Offering with all diligence, and we received the Eucharist with all the people on that day. And each man departed to his house, and we withdrew ourselves from the festival, and I took up my abode in the church. And whilst we were living there the aged presbyter, whose name was John, came up to me, and did homage before me, saying, 'If thy servant hath found favour before thee, let my lord father come to the house of thy servant, for we would enjoy thy blessing.' And when I had perceived his great love for his fellow man, and his gentleness, which was like [unto that of] an angel of God, I rose up, and I went with him, both I and those who were with me. And when he had taken us up into the upper storey of his house we prayed, and we sat down according to the commandment of our Saviour. And he made for us a great banquet that day, because he was a lover of men, and he was especially hospitable to strangers, and to every one who sojourned in the church, even as was the Patriarch Abraham.

“Three leaves wanting” - whenever I see missing pages in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hammadi, or other ancient works, I wonder if it was God’s hand or the Devil’s that did the removing--I’m wondering if sometimes their will is aligned. Take Job for example. Satan obtains leave to test Job and the Lord approves. Both wills are one to this end just as the Lord wills us to be tested. However, here we have a situation where there is clearly a large quantity of lost knowledge regarding the Angel of the Lord - much of that lost knowledge indicates the identity of this individual is intended to be hidden - 1 Enoch, The Apocalypse of Abraham, The Apocalypse of Thomas, and 3 Enoch are just a few apocryphal works that underscore this truth. However, so much of this truth is underscored in the Discourse on Abbaton; as such, perhaps the three pages missing here are just that--after all we’re missing Timothy’s text and not the transcribed text from the Apostles themselves. Also notice, “The aged presbyter, whose name is John” - am I the only one who is wondering if this is the John? Timothy says the man's demeanor is like an angel and his hospitality like Abraham. It would almost be as though John planted this seed to take fruit at the right time. Hrm ...

And when the morning had come we talked together concerning the mighty deeds and miracles which our Saviour had wrought, and how the godless Jews had crucified Him because of their jealousy of Him. And in this wise I spake unto the old man, the oresbyter, 'My noble son, is not the Book of the appointing of Abbatôn, the Angel of Death, among all these books which are here, and under thy charge? I want it because I wish to learn how it came about that God made him the king of all mankind, and of all the created things which He made, and how it was that God made him awful and terrifying, for he cometh and pursueth after every soul until it hath yielded up its spirit.' And straighway the old man, the elder, said unto me with a face filled with graciousness, 'Well hath the Master of us all, the Christ, said in the Holy Gospel, "Whosoever seeketh shall find, and whosoever knocketh it shall be opened unto him, and whosoever asketh shall receive." And as for thee, O my holy father, thou seeketh, and thou shalt find; thou knockest, and it shall be opened unto thee; thou asketh, and thou shalt receive. The Lord shall fulfill thy petition which thou has asked.'

Once again we have the “seek and ye shall find” motif. Notice how Timothy calls John “My noble son.” Wouldn’t it be funny if this really was John the Beloved? Also, Timothy already seems to know that Abbaton is the “king of all mankind,” which is clearly a mystery to the Apostles in the work below. If this record is new to Timothy, I wonder how he came to know this mystery - perhaps the 3 missing leaflets detail that story, and perhaps they are hidden deliberately after all. The same seek and find model that is given in 1 Nephi 10:19.

And when I had heard these things from the old man, the presbyter, I gave thanks to God because He had never disappointed me in respect of any matter which I had asked from Him; and thus the [old man] brought it (i.e. the book) to me. And when it had come into my hand I rejoiced over it more than [I should have done over] very much riches, and I cried out with David the Psalmist, the righteous king, saying, 'I rejoice over thy words even as doth the man who hath found great spoil.' And I read in the book, and I found written therein the following:

Above is the final note from Timothy, and the actual Discourse on Abbaton follows. I must confess that I feel similarly. I have personally sought earnestly knowledge, much of which is confirmed in this one work. I do not know I have ever been so excited to write.

And it came to pass that when our Saviour, Who is the Root of all good, had finished everything, when the days of His Apocalypse were completed, and He was to ascend up to His Father, He laid His hand upon each one of His holy Apostles, and He prayed over them, and sent them forth into all the world to preach His holy Resurrection to all the heathen, and He filled them with power and with His Holy Spirit, and He spake unto them, saying, 'The mighty deeds and miracles which I have performed, ye yourselves also shall do. Ye shall lay your hands upon the sick and they shall have rest (or, relief). Ye shall tread upon serpents and scorpions. Ye shall take up serpents in your hands. And when ye drink deadly poisions they shall have no evil effect upon you. Baptize those who believe in Me, and in My Good Father, and the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and I will forgive them [their sins]. Those who do not believe shall be condemned to the second death. Depart in peace. The peace which is Mine shall be with you. And I will never cease to walk with you even to the end of this world.'

Then the Lord answered and said unto Saint Peter, the greatest of the Apostles, the pillar of the Church, the steward of the kingdom which is in the heavens, 'Him that thou wishes to take into it, take; and him that thou wishest to reject, reject.' [And Peter] said unto the Saviour, 'My Lord and my God. Behold, Thou hast informed us converning everything about which we have asked Thee, and Thou hast hidden nothing from us. And now, O my Lord and my God, behold, Thou hast sent us out into the whole world to preach Thy holy Resurrection to all the nations, and the mighty deeds and miracles which Thou hast done, the which we have seen with our eyes, and concerning which we have heard, and Thou hast explained them all to us, even [the matter of] Thy Virgin Mother, and Thy holy Birth. And, O my Lord, Thou knowest that there are very many contentious and unbelieving people who will ask questions of us concerning everything, and we wish to be able to explain unto them everything. Now therefore, O my Lord, we wish Thee to inform us concerning the day wherein Thou didst stablish Abbatôn, the Angel of Death, and didst make him to be awful and disturbing, and to pursue all souls until they yield up their spirits, so that we may preach concerning him to all mankind, even as we preach concerning all his fellow angels whom Thou hast created, and of whom Thou hast shewn us the days of their stablishing, and also that when men hear of [him on] the day of his stablishing they may be afraid, and may repent, and may give charities and gifts on the day of his commemoration, just as they do to Michael and Gabriel, so that their souls may find mercy and respite on the day of Thy holy Resurrection.'
This is such an interesting question posed by Peter that essentially boils down to this: How was Abbadon, the Angel of Death, created, and why is he so awful so that we may preach this understanding along with our current understanding of his fellow angels? The final part of the question seems to imply the Apostles preached the days of commemoration of Michael and Gabriel and even Abbadon to the end of giving gifts and charities on those days. Peter also suggests that they have already had the knowledge of angels imparted upon them - so much so that the mystery of Abbadon stands out! Now, perhaps the Apostles did commemorate angels - as I suspect the stars themselves testify of people and places - however, I will admit the days of commemoration reads more like Catholicism.

Regardless as to whether commemoration means worshiping angels, these are three extremely important aspects to Peter’s question: 1. The Apostles felt they already understood concerning Abbadon’s fellow angels, including Michael and Gabriel. 2. Jesus was about to ascend and leave them, and this seems to be the last gap in their knowledge and they seem to be aware of this missing piece. 3. Peter says nothing about Abbadon being king of this world.

And the Saviour, the Storehouse that is filled with mercy and compassion of every kind, Who loveth everything which is good in respect of His day, Who wisheth not to cause us disappointment about anything concerning which we are asked, said unto them, 'O ye whom I have chosen from out of the whole world, I will hide nothing from you, but I will inform you how My Father stablished him (i.e. Abbatôn) over all the created things which He had made. For I and My Father are one, according to what Philip said unto me, "Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us." And I said unto him, "O Philip, in all the time which thou hast been with Me, hast thou not known Me? He who hath seen Me hath seen My Father. Believe thou that I am in My Father, and My Father is in Me. If it be impossible [for thee], believe His works." And now, O my holy members, whom I have chosen from out of the whole world, I will hide nothing from you. It came to pass that when My Father was creating the heavens, and the earth, and the things which are therein, He spake the word, and they all came into being, Angel, and Archangel, and Cherubim, and Seraphim, and Thrones, and Divine Governors, and Dominions, and all the Powers that are in the heavens, and all the army of heaven. And He made the earth also, [and] the wild animals, and the reptiles, and the cattle, and the birds, and everything which moveth upon it. And He planted also a paradise in the eastern part of the earth. And My Father saw that the whole world was a desert, and that there was no one to work it. And My Father said, "Let us make a man in Our image and likeness, that he may continue to praise us by day and by night, and that every one] may know that it is the hand of the Lord that hath made all these things; for I existed before these things were." And My Father commanded an angel, saying, "By My wish and by My command get thee to the land of Edem (i.e. the Eastland), and bring to Me some virgin earth in order that I may make a man in Our image and likeness therewith, so that he may ascribe blessing unto Us by day and by night."

So Jesus basically tells His disciples, “Let me tell you how My Father made Abbadon king over all the created things He made." As a giant clue, the Lord next not only says “The Father and I are one” but repeats the question that led to that answer from Philip: “Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.” The Lord is indicating this pattern of seeing the son is to see the father. But let me go ahead and tell you about how Abbadon became King. See what I mean? Joseph Smith indicated the office of the Holy Ghost is a step on that path to Godhood and a probationary step at that where if he proves successful, he will then go on to experience the same or similar course as the Son. If you want to see the Father, take a look first at the Son. Jesus becomes Father when He receives all the Father hath but indeed cannot take the title, “Father” until He has secured His own inheritor. Also, notice how this section segues into the creation story. There are words above that sound very much like the temple endowment. Could this story contain some missing pieces from our temple endowment - deliberately kept hidden? Could our temple endowment change again and start to include more of this story about this hidden servant?

And the angel went, to the land of Edem, according to My Father's command. And he stood upon the earth, and he reached out his hand to gather together some of it and take it to My Father. And straightway the earth cried out with a loud voice, saying, "I swear unto thee by Him Who sent thee to Me, that if thou takest me to Him, He will mould me into a form, and I shall become a man, and a living soul. And very many sins shall come forth from my heart (or, body), and many fornications, and slanderous abuse, and jealousy, and hatred and contention shall come forth from his hand, and many murders and sheddings of blood shall come forth from his hand. And they shall cast me out to the dogs, and to the cats, and into pits and holes in the ground, and into streams of water before my time, and after all these things they will finally cast me into punishment, and they will punish me by day and by night. Let me stay here, and go back to the ground and be quiet."

"Edem" means "Earth" in Hebrew. "Edom" means "Red." "Adamah" means "red clay." "Adam" means "to be red." See the links? So the Father commands “an Angel” to gather virgin Earth to make Adam. The virgin Earth apparently has quite a mouth and basically says, “hey if you take me you’ll be responsible for all sorts of terrible things.”

'And when the Angel of God had heard these things he was afraid of My Father's Name, and he returned and came to My Father, and said," My Lord, when I heard Thy awful Name I did not wish to bring the earth unto Thee." And straightway My Father commanded an angel a second time to go to it, and then a third angel, and so on even unto seven angels, and not one of them wished to approach the earth because it took awful oaths by mighty [names]. And when My Father saw that none of the angels wished to bring the earth to Him, He sent the angel Mouriêl to the earth, saying unto him, "Go thou by My command to the land of Edem, and bring unto me some virgin earth so that I may fashion a man therefrom, after Mine own image and likeness, that he may ascribe blessing unto Us by day and by night."

Wow! Similar to the mismatch in question by Peter and answer by Jesus, we have yet another mismatch. We are told the Earth says A. But then the Angel comes back and reports B. What is B? The name of the Father. The Earth supposedly says, “Hey don’t take me or bad things will happen and it will be your fault.” The angel returns and reports, temple endowment style, and says, “I heard the awful name of the father and was unable to comply.” How does the name of the Father pertain to what the Earth said? At our temple, we are introduced by the Apostles Peter, James, and John at the veil to Jesus who is unveiled by giving the correct words. The Father is not at this part of the endowment; however I believe there will be a future ordinance where the correct words will be provided to us to access the Father. Consider these words may be very similar to what’s being given here. I wonder if the role of the Holy Ghost (see article “Awake O Sword”) is part of this key phrase. Certainly, if the Holy Ghost was sacrificer of the greatest of us all, this would indeed be something most of us would shy from.

In the introduction, I alluded to the fact that the 8th angel was confirmed by my studies of the seven promise of overcoming in revelation and the seven levels of mankind, and that the Davidic Servant was at the cusp of receiving this promise. Here is that promise:

Revelation 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

Notice how the name of God is revealed here. Please consider the numbers 8 and 6 here and plant them at the back of your mind. The 8th angel who is the first to receive the 6th promise of overcoming.

Now, consider there were 7 angels who all were too afraid to take of the virgin Earth. The connection to David could be no more clear. In fact, when I first researched this article, I found other blog posts about this work that concluded the same. Samuel sees the seven sons of Jesse and says of Eliab, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.” The Lord rebukes him and tells him … get this,“Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”

The 8th angel here in this story is the one who wins an internal victory over fear. Now, without going past the gleam of a pearl, please consider these 7 angels were indeed of greater spiritual stature than the 8th, and that these were indeed the 7 archangels. How can this be? For starters, there is indication all across the apocrypha that height and stature pertains to spiritual progression. Also, consider the 7 angels in this story all hear the name of the Father and then shirk their responsibility. First, only by overcoming as the servant overcomes can one receive the name of the Father. Second, what if the shirking was ceremonious? What if these seven all have the right to rule - to be king - over the 8th angel, and they all defer to allow this youngest angel (In 3 Enoch the Angel of the Lord is called “Na’ar” or “Youth” by the Lord) to sit and rule? (See the article The 8th Angel & The Testament of Levi for more evidence of seven angels preparing an eighth to sit upon the throne of rule)

'And when the Angel of God had departed to the earth he stood upon it in great power and might, and in the commandment of God. And he reached out his hand to take some of it, and straightway the dust (or, clay) cried out with a loud voice, saying "I swear unto thee by the name of Him that created the heavens, and the earth, and the things that are therein, that thou shalt not approach me to take me unto God." And the angel Mouriêl was not afraid at [the mention of] the Name of My Father when he heard it, and he paid no heed thereto, but he went to it, and he laid hold of it with firmness and determination, and he hrought it to My Father [Who] rejoiced over it. And He took the clay from the hand of the angel, and made Adam according to Our image and likeness. and He left him lying for forty days and forty nights without putting breath into him. And He heaved sighs over him daily, saying, "If I put breath into this [man], he must suffer many pains." And I said unto My Father, "Put breath into him; I will be an advocate for him." And My Father said unto Me," If I put breath into him, My beloved Son, Thou wilt be obliged to go down into the world, and to suffer many pains for him before Thou shalt have redeemed him, and made him to come back to his primal state." And I said unto My Father, "Put breath into him; I will be his advocate, and I will go down into the world, and will fulfill Thy command."

This apocryphon is truly an amazing find, even if you're at the surface layers of just confirming the truthfulness of Joseph Smith. Take the italicized words above - swearing by the heavens, the earth, and the things therein. That sounds very similar to the secret combinations of the Book of Mormon!

Ether 8:14 And it came to pass that they all sware unto him, by the God of heaven, and also by the heavens, and also by the earth, and by their heads, that whoso should vary from the assistance which Akish desired should lose his head; and whoso should divulge whatsoever thing Akish made known unto them, the same should lose his life.

This suggests an even deeper meaning as to what exactly the eighth angel did premortally and that it involved a son or the sons of perdition (Isaiah 51:9.) The 8th angel then delivers the materials to the Father to make Adam. A covenant is made between Elohim and Jehovah for Jehovah to redeem Adam, which is yet another exclusive doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--the doctrine of the premortal council and covenant. The 8th angel overcomes fear, just as the original King David overcomes fear when facing Goliath. Again, compare Isaiah 51:9 and David vs Goliath.

'And whilst He was wishing to put breath into him He took a book, and wrote therein [the names of] those who should come forth from him and who should enter into the kingdom which is in the heavens, according to what is written, "These are they whose names are written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world." And He put breath into him in this way; He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life three times, saying, "Live! Live! Live! according to the type of My Divinity." And the man lived straightway, and became a living soul, according to the image and likeness of God. And when Adam had risen up he cast himself down before [My] Father, saying, " My Lord and my God! Thou hast made me to come into being [from a state in which] I did not exist." Thereupon My Father set him upon a great throne, and He placed on his head a crown of glory, and He put a royal sceptre [in his hand], and My father made every order [of angels] in the heavens to come and worship him, whether angel or archangel. And all the hosts of heaven worshipped God first of all, and then they worshipped Adam, saying, "Hail, thou image and likeness of GodI" And He intended that the order of the angels who were fashioned [before Adam] should worship him, and My Father said unto him (i.e. their chief), " Come, thou thyself shalt worship my image and likeness." And he, a being of great pride, drew himself up in a shameless manner, and said, 'It is meet that this [man Adam] should come and worship me, for I existed before he came into being."

The boundaries of Israel are set from the beginning according to the Old Testament--which is reaffirmed here. Israel existed premortally. These are they whose names are written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world. These are the noble and great ones … the sons of the morning or beginning. Three commands to live. Three knocks at the veil. Parallel. Now, although this story doesn’t equate Michael to Adam, it does cite Michael as chief archangel and Adam as the one who wears the crown and royal sceptre. Parallel. Adam’s status as one of the Gods is confirmed here as Elohim commands the heavenly host to worship him. This is the section where Brother Bruce Porter suggests that the "Adam-God theory" is largely explained here. The “chief” angel (note: not Michael or Gabriel) refuses for he was created before Adam.

Note that every prophet, except Adam and Jesus, are all younger brothers. Any prophet you can think of who has documented siblings (even in the Apocrypha as Abraham,) is always, always, a younger brother. This story underscores why. Birthrights are earned by actions and not by time alone. This is how one becomes firstborn. The Pseudepigrapha, “The Life of Adam and Eve” also contains this exact reasoning for the devil to reject and hate Adam for he says because he was created before Adam, therefore Adam ought to worship him:

'Why dost thou urge me? I will not worship an inferior and younger being (than I). I am his senior in the Creation, before he was made was I already made. It is his duty to worship me.' ~ Life of Adam and Eve

Also note, in the article written here titled The Name of the Angel of the Lord, the name of the Angel of the Lord in the Apocalypse of Abraham is Jahoel. Jahoel is associated with being the chief of the six-winged seraphim. Please keep this in mind.

'And when My Father saw his great pride, and that his wickedness and his evil-doing were complete, He commanded all the armies of heaven, saying, 'Remove the writing [which is] in the hand of the proud one, strip ye off his armour, and cast ye him down upon the earth, for his time hath come. For he is the greatest of them all he is the head over them, and is like a king. and he commandeth them as the general of an army commandeth his soldiers; he is the head over them, and their names are written in his hand." Thus is it with this cunning one, and the [names of the] angels, were written in his hand. And all the angels gathered together to him, and they did not wish to remove the writing from his hand. And My Father commanded them to bring a sharp reaping-knife, and to stab him therewith on this side and on that, right through his body to the vertebrae of his shoulders, and he was unable to hold himself up. And straightway My Father commanded a mighty Cherubim, and he smote him, and cast him down from heaven upon the earth, because of his pride, and he broke his wings and his ribs and made him helpless, and those whom he had brought with him became devils with him.

The chief of the angels, is like a king. He is the commander of the armies of heaven, like a general. Notice how the Lord Jesus Christ goes into detail here as to just who the devil was before his fall. Compare to the Angel of the Lord who appears before Joshua just before the Israelites took Jericho (*whispers* with the Angel of the Lord's help.)

Joshua 5:13 ¶ And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?

14 And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?

15 And the captain of the Lord’s host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so.

Of note here: Joshua does not see the host but the angel only. Also noteworthy is the ground that becomes holy just as the ground became with Moses' interaction with ... the Angel of the Lord who emanated glory from the burning bush (Exodus 3:2-5.)

Consider for a moment, if you’ve been endowed, the third token given in the temple endowment. Our identity now aligns to the second token and sign. We are anointed in the temple to become priests and kings. I believe the third token aligns to priests and the fourth to kings. The kings, in fact he very word is at the heart of this story, are the seven archangels. They rule. They start dispensations. They have exclusive access to the Father, for they know his name. I believe the devil was at that last step from which beings are able to fall - for only by receiving the sixth promise does one “go no more out.” This sixth level aligns to the six-winged seraphim of Isaiah 6. How many sixes is that? 666? This is the order of priests - they are called “high priests” in revelation and are numbered at 144,000. This third token aligns to them. They are all on the path to become an unconditional inheritor. How is the third token given? Now put all this together and you have a being whose mark in the palm of his hand is being removed. The devil was a beloved leader, and many angels fell with him.

'And My Father made them take Adam into Paradise, and a multitude of angels sang hymns before him, and they left him there, and he continued to ascribe blessing unto God. And Adam lived alone in Paradise for one hundred years. And when he had completed the period of one hundred years--now Adam lived in the Paradise of Delight, and remained there alone, and the angels used to come to him every day--My Father said, "It is not good to allow the man to live by himself, but let Us make for him a helper like unto he himself." And He brought a slumber upon Adam, who fell into a deep sleep, and He took out one of his ribs and filled up [the place thereof] with flesh, and He made a woman according to the form of Adam. And when Adam woke up out of his sleep he saw her, and he said, "This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of [my flesh]; she shall be called 'woman', because she was taken out of her male." Now it was Adam who gave names to all the cattle, and to the wild beasts and to the birds, and to every living creature which moveth upon the earth, and even to those which are in the waters; unto all of them did Adam give names, according to the (command of My Good Father.

'And Adam lived in the Paradise of Delight, he and Eve his wife, for two hundred years; and they were virgins, and they were even as the angels of God. And when they had been living in the Paradise of Delight for two hundred years, Eve came forth and passed through the northern part of Paradise, close by the wall, in order to obtain fruit (sic) for the cattle and for all the [other] creatures, because My Father had told Adam and Eve to feed them according to His command, and they received their food from the hand of Adam and Eve. And the serpent himself came at the hour of evening to receive his food according to his wont, for the serpent was like unto all the [other] beasts, and he walked upon his feet just as did they. And the Devil lived nigh unto Paradise, and he lay in wait for Adam and Eve by day and by night, and when he saw Eve by herself he went into the serpent, and said within himself, "Behold, I have found [myl opportunity; I will speak into her ear, and I will make her to eat of the tree, and I will cause them to be expelled from Paradise, for I myself was expelled from Paradise for their sakes."

'And the Devil spake unto Eve through the mouth of the serpent, saying, "Why do ye not eat of the tree which is in the middle of Paradise, as ye do of all the [other] trees, for the fruit thereof is good?" And [Eve] said, "God said unto us, Ye may certainly eat of every tree which is in Paradise with the exception of the tree of knowledge of the good and of the evil; in the day wherein ye eat thereof ye shall surely die." And the serpent said unto her, "Ye shall not surely die, but ye shall be like unto these gods, ye shall know the good and the evil, and ye shall [he able] to separate the sweet from the bitter. God spake unto you in this manner because when ye have eaten thereof ye shall become as gods." And the Devil ceased not to speak into her [ear] until he had beguiled her and she ate of the tree. And straightway Eve became naked, and she knew that she was naked, and she took some leaves of the fig-tree, and covered her nakedness. And she went to Adam, and when Adam saw her, and saw that she was naked, he was exceedingly grieved, and he became very sorrowful in heart, [and shed] tears in great abundance. And he said unto her, 'Wherefore hast thou acted in this wise? Behold, from this day forward we shall die, and God will be wroth with us, and He will cast us forth from Paradise." And Eve said unto him, "Come thou and eat. If God shall blame thee, I will take everything upon myself before God." And in this way Adam took, and ate, and he became naked, and he knew immediately that he was naked ; and he covered his nakedness with fig-leaves.

'And straightway the voice of My Father came to him in Paradise, saying, "Adam, where art thou?'' And he said, 'My Lord, I heard Thy voice, but I was afraid, and I hid myself because I was naked." And My Father said unto him, "Who told thee [so]? Hast thou eaten of the tree until thou hast become naked? " And Adam said, " My Lord, the woman whom Thou didst give unto me as a helper made me eat, and I became naked." And My Father said unto her, "Wherefore hast thou done this thing?" She said unto Him, "My Lord, the serpent led me astray; I ate, and I became like the gods." And My Father said unto the serpent, "Because thou hast done this thing, cursed art thou among all the beasts of the earth. Thou shalt walk upon thy belly all the days of thy life, and all thy seed [shall be accursed] throughout all generations on the earth. Thou shalt eat earth and ashes all thy time, and so shall all those that shall come forth from thee." It was in this way that the serpent came to walk upon his belly, according to what My Father decreed for him. And He said unto the woman also," Because thou hast done this thing thou shalt bring forth children in sorrow and sighing, and thou shalt turn to thy husband." And similarly He turned to Adam, and said unto him, "Cursed be the earth because of thy deeds. Thou shalt eat thy bread by the sweat of thy face, and all those who shall come out of thee shall do likewise. Behold, thou shalt die from this day onwards, because thou art earth, and thou shalt return again to the earth. Thou shalt live in the world a life of nine hundred and thirty years, and when death cometh upon thee thou shalt turn to the earth I again. Thy soul shall abide in Amente, and thou shalt sit in black darkness for four and a half thousand of years ...

"And when five and a half thousand of years are fulfilled I will send My beloved Son into the world, and He shall abide in a virgin womb, that is to say, the holy Virgin Mary. She shall give Him birth on the earth in lowliness and humility, and [after she hath done so] she shall remain a virgin, even as she was before. He shall pass thirty-three and a half years in the world, and He shall receive every attribute of humanity, sin alone excepted. He shall perform innumerable mighty deeds and wonders, He shall raise the dead, He shall drive out the devils, He shall heal those who are sick of the palsy, He shall make the lame to walk, the deaf He shall make to hear, and the dumb He shall make to speak, He shall cleanse the lepers, and [restore] the arms that are withered, and He shall open the eyes of the blind by the word of His power. In short, there shall be no limit to the miracles which He shall perform, but in spite of all these men will not believe on Him. And at length, after all these things, they shall rise up against Him, and they shall deliver Him over unto death, and they shall give Him into the hand of the Governor, that is to say, Pilate, and he shall judge Him for thy sake. He shall be in the form of a servant for thy sake. They shall smite Him in the face for thy sake. They shall treat Him with contempt and vilify Him for thy sake. They shall pass sentence of condemnation upon Him as if He were a sacrilegious person. They shall mount Him upon the wood of the Cross, between two thieves, for thy sake. They shall set a crown of thorns upon His head for thy sake. They shall make Him drink vinegar and gall for thy sake. They shall drive nails into His hands and feet for thy sake. He shall yield up His Spirit on the Cross. They shall pierce His side with a spear so that meter and blood shall flow forth therefrom, and it is these which shell cleanse the sine of the world. They shall lay Him in a new tomb. He shall rise from the dead on the third day. He shall go down into Amente, He shall shatter the gate of brass, and break in pieces the bolts of iron, and shall bring thee up therefrom together with all those who shall be held there in captivity with thee. For thy sake, O Adam, the Son of God shall suffer all these things until He hath redeemed thee, and restored thee to Paradise, unto the place whence thou didst come, for He made Himself to be thy advocate (or, protector), when thou wast clay, before He put spirit (or, breath) into thee."

'It was I, the Son of God, Who suffered all these things a until I delivered man I from the hand of the Devil. And ye have seen all these things with your eyes, O my holy Apostles. It was in this wise that My Father expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise. He shut the gate [thereof], and He placed a mighty being of fire to watch the gate of Paradise, so that no one might enter therein until all those things which He had proclaimed concerning Adam had been fulfilled.

'And the Devil went to meet Adam outside Paradise, and he said unto him," Behold, O Adam, I was cast forth from my glory through thee, and behold, I have made thee to be expelled from the Paradise of Delight because thou hast caused me to become a stranger to my dwelling-place in heaven. Know thou that I will never cease to contend against thee and against all those who shall come after thee from out of thee, until I have taken them all down into Amente with me."

'And when Adam heard these things he became very sad, and shed many tears both by day and by night. And My Father said unto Mouriêl the angel, "Behold, the man whom I created in My image hath transgressed the commandment which I gave him. He hath eaten of the tree, and hath brought a great injury upon all mankind. For this reason I make thee king over him, for it was thou who didst bring him to Me on this day, which is the thirteenth of the month Hathor.

Mouriel is absent from the majority of the creation story. The fact the eighth angel is revealed at the end of the telestial probation of Earth is a chiasm. Jahoel, of the Apocalypse of Abraham, who also identifies as the Angel of the Lord of the Old Testament is identified as the “chief” of the seraphim. Though this story does not overtly equate the devil’s dominion, the devil was the chief over the angels. The devil may have had the actual right to rule next and lost it. Hrm… are there any types of this in King David’s story?

Saul, whose right it was to be king, lost that right to David.

I always found Saul’s story to be very curious even since my youth. Why would God give the right to rule to be the very first king of Israel to someone God knew would lose said right? There had to be a deeper meaning behind it. Lo and behold, Saul signifies the devil. The shoe fits snugly. Now, consider Eliab represents Michael who is far mightier and older than David who represents Mouriel, the 8th Angel. And now we have a story that matches too closely to ignore. The Davidic Servant is not a type of King David. King David is a type of the Davidic Servant.

"Thy name shall he I a terror in the mouth of every one. They shall call thee Abbatôn, the Angel of Death.

The Father tells Mouriel why he is making him king over Adam, and then immediately lays the title “Angel of Death” on him. This may be slightly confusing, but consider Jesus provides the saving power of life - resurrection and spiritual life, there must be an executor over death for all things to be, well, fair and balanced. Consider Abbadon as the God of Justice and Jehovah as the God of Mercy.

"Thy form and thine image shall be [associated with] complaining, and wrath, and threatening in all souls, until they have yielded up their spirits.

"Thine eye and thy face shall he like unto a wheel of fire which beareth waves and waves [of fire] before me.

"The sound of thy nostrils shall be like unto the sound of a lake of fire wherein burn fire and sulphur (or, naphtha).

"The sound of the noises made by thy lips shall be like unto the sounds of the seven thunders which shall speak with their tongues.

Like unto the seven thunders eh? Son of thunder anyone? James and John didn’t have fiery tempers (one of the most egregious modern presumptions) but are heirs who approach their kingdom. The seven angels - the archangels - are the seven thunders. Note that, "like unto” is used all over the place even in modern scriptures to designate the Angel Abbadon. One like unto the Son of Man is brought to the Ancient of Days in Daniel. The Ancient of Days, who is Michael, is brought to Jehovah not the other way around. The Angel Abbadon who is the 8th angel to Michael’s # 1, is brought to the Ancient of Days. The one who is chosen in Abraham 3 is “like unto the son of man” The Discourse on Abbaton makes this truth even clearer that the person chosen in Abraham 3:27 is the lesser King of this world rather than the greater Jehovah Himself. Abraham 3 is all about choosing someone for this Earth … choosing someone to be King of this much, much smaller dominion within Jehovah’s much, much greater dominion. See Abraham and the Davidic Servant Part I.

"Thy head shall be like unto these great pillars of fire which [reach] from heaven downwards.

These, seven … pillars of fire? Like unto … also note the Angel of the Lord who bears the ineffable name (Exodus 23) is the pillar of fire leading Israel’s exodus, and the sixth promise of overcoming in Revelation promises the recipient to become a "pillar in the temple of my God."

"Thy teeth shall project from thy mouth the length of half a cubit.

"The fingers of thy hands and [the toes of] thy feet shall be like unto sharp reaping-knives.

"Seven heads shall be on the top of thy head, and they shall change their shapes and forms [continually].

There’s that number again. Seven angels pass on their right and provide their rights to rule to the 8th angel who now bears seven heads. This would be an awesome drawing. I gave a stab at a Photoshop job of such at the beginning of this article. :) ..... enjoy

Could these seven angels be standing behind their younger brother ... all having conceded their right to rule to him who sitteth upon the throne? This would explain so much, especially in the Book of Revelation.

Revelation 10:1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,

3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.

Hold a minute! Both the seven thunders and the pillars of fire are mentioned in Revelation 10 and in Discourse on Abbaton regarding the description of the Angel of Death. How many colors are in the Rainbow? Seven. This is the dominion given to this mighty - note: numberless - angel of Revelation. When he cried ... the seven thunders, read: archangels, uttered their voices.

"Their teeth shall project outside their mouths for the length of two palms, and they shall point towards the four quarters of the world. Thou shalt be suspended in the midst, and thou shalt sit upon a throne of fire.

"He who sitteth upon the throne" - reread Revelation with this in mind paying particular attention to the phrase, “He who sitteth upon the throne.” Also, note that Abbadon is mentioned in Revelation and called a King:

Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Hrm ... the Abaddon in revelation is the one who sits upon Michael's throne. Who knew? I always thought the locusts and scorpions of Revelation 9 were modern jets and war machines. However, in Revelation 9 the locusts obey the commands of heaven, and Abbadon is their king and the angel of the bottomless pit. The Angel of death. Some folks believe Abbadon to be evil because he sounds scary - take note that so did the Apostles as they approached Jesus on His final day. I'm guessing they held this question until the end.

"Thine eyes shall look down upon the earth, and upon whatsoever is in the depths of the waters; nothing shall be hidden from thee in heaven, nor from one end of the earth to the other, from the north to the south, and from the east to the west, among all the created things which I have made.

North, south, east, and west is also all over Revelation. The power of omnipresence is bestowed upon Mouriel / Abbadon.

"Not one of them shall yield up his spirit until he hath seen thee.

The dominion of death is over all souls on Earth.

"Thou shalt shew compassion neither upon small nor great, and thou shalt carry all away mercilessly. The Powers shall be under thy control, and thou shalt send them after every soul. They shall strike terror into souls, and shall change their forms. When the period of their life hath come to an end thou shalt appear to them, and they shall look upon thee; and when they look upon thy face their souls shall not be able to abide in them, even for a moment, and they will be forced to yield them up. Thus thou shalt continue to be king over them until the period for which I have ordained I the world [to last] shall be ended."

Imagine what the Apostles must have been thinking at this point. This sounds pretty terrible, but consider there is no life without death.

'And when the angels saw him they were all greatly disturbed together, and they said, "Woe! Woe be unto the sons of men who shall be born into the world! For behold, even we who are incorporeal shall perish through terror." Then Abbatôn, the Angel of Death, cast himself down before My Father, saying, "My Lord, behold Thou hast made me to be an object of terror unto the angels. Now, therefore, O my Lord, I entreat Thee, and I beseech Thy Goodness to grant that when the sons of men who shall be born into the world shall hear that thou hast made me to be an object of terror and fear they shall become afraid, I and shall give charity, and alms, and gifts, in my name, and that the day whereon Thou didst stablish me may be written down in the nook, and that they may appear on [the day of] my commemoration, and may seek after mercy and rest for their souls. And now, O my Lord, let Thy Spirit stablish them. And grant unto me power over them, so that I may take them to the place of rest, and to the dwelling-place of all those who rejoice, and let them celebrate a festival in my honour upon the earth even as they celebrate festivals in honour of all my fellow angels. O my Lord, let Thy mercy help them!"

The angels are collectively disturbed, just as I’m sure the Apostles were as they heard this. Note the line “even we who are incorporeal will perish through terror!” Is that a thing? If not, then why fear such a thing? Apparently Mouriel / Abbadon is also disturbed. Can you imagine? “Congratulations King of this World! You will have seven heads and fangs and …” … “Wait what?” Also, notice the “day of commemoration” of Abbadon. Might that be Shabat Shavuot or Pentecost? Shabat Shavuot marks the beginning of the fall (death) harvest. Hrm...isn’t there another “angel of death” who looks like a harvester of souls?

'And My Father spake, saying, "I tell thee, O Abbatôn, thou Angel [of Death], whosoever shall hold thee in terror, and shall give alms and charities in thy name, or repent, or write in the Book [the day of] thy stablishing, that is to say, the thirteenth day of the month Hathor, the day whereon I stablished thee over Adam because of his disobedience, I will write their names in the Book of Life, and I will give them as a gift unto thee in My kingdom, and they shall never experience any kind of punishment (or, torture). But thou shalt not go unto them in this terrible form of thine, but thou shalt go unto them and treat them with gentle tenderness, until thou art able to bring them (i.e. their souls) out of the body. I will give thee power over them, and thou shalt take them to the place of rest, the dwelling-place of all those who rejoice, for I am God, the Good and Compassionate towards My clay." Then Abbatôn, the Angel [of Death], cast himself down before My Father, and he spake unto Him, saying, "I will purify them, O Lord, my God and my King, in the place of all those whom Thou hast made."

Several interesting points here: First, Abbadon’s reign is given due to Adam’s disobedience. Yet Adam fell that men might be as Lehi taught. Thus, Adam fell that Abbadon may be King in his stead. A God who dis-enthrones himself purposefully to allow someone else to rule at his behest. Surely, this isn't like a grand principle of heaven or anything like that. Oh wait, what's this!?

Fig. 1. Abraham sitting upon Pharaoh’s throne, by the politeness of the king, with a crown upon his head, representing the Priesthood, as emblematical of the grand Presidency in Heaven; with the scepter of justice and judgment in his hand.

Justice and judgement? Isn't that the role of the Davidic Servant, er the Angel of the Lord, er the Holy Ghost - I mean, Abbadon! My, what a coincidence(s)! Wait, isn't the Angel of the Lord who is the Destroyer of the Old Testament - isn't he even in the facsimiles himself?

Wait, didn't the Angel of the Lord sort of death-ify the high priest Elkenah to protect Abraham? So the Destroyer looks terrible to Israel's enemies but appears to be gentle to Israel. Note this pleasant partiality to Israel already matches our doctrine on the Holy Ghost. He is a gift unto Israel, and well, not, unto the gentiles. Third, Abbadon says he will purify Israel. Well, there you have it. Another match to the Holy Ghost. Don't get me started on the Horus connections (but, no seriously, if that interests you, please read here: Abraham and The Davidic Servant Part II)

This is how new kings are made in my humble opinion. The right to rule by those who have secured their thrones ... the named archangels, each defers their right to rule ceremoniously to the 8th angel. This coincidentally reinforces those ten articles at the top left regarding the spiritual progression levels of mankind. This also reinforces so much of what has been written in all the Davidic Servant articles as well.

'And now, O my holy Apostles, I have made you to know what My Father did in respect of Abbatôn, the awful and terrifying [angel], [and how He set him] over the creation which He had made, because of the transgression of Adam and Eve; preach ye it to all mankind.'

I can only imagine the silence at this point - imagine all the Apostles staring dumbfounded and blinking at the Lord in silence. I hope there is a similar effect upon you dear reader. There certainly was upon me as I read this amazing apocryphon.

And Saint John, the virgin, answered and spake [unto Him], saying, 'My Lord and my God, Who hast sanctified me For unto Thyself, Who hast made all my thoughts to cling unto Thee, Who didst guard me and didst not permit me to take unto myself a wife; when Thou shalt gather together all Thy clay into the Valley of Jehosaphat, in order that each one may receive according to what he hath done, whether it be good or whether it be evil, if Abbatôn, the Angel of Death, shall come on that day, being in forms of his own person,--if this be so, I say, my Lord, there is not one soul that shall be able to stand before Thy awful throne. Behold, we shall perish through fright when we hear these things at Thy hand.'

Jehosaphat means, “Jah (or the Lord) judges.” Note that the ineffable name is in the Angel (Exodus 23.) The name of the Angel of the Lord in both 3 Enoch and in the Apocalypse of Abraham is Jahoel. The hebrew name is the same two root words of Elijah in reverse. Eli-Yahu and Yahu-El. Yahu-Shaphat (see article The Name of the Angel of the Lord. That’s right, Jahu Shaphat means the Lord and / or the angel judges. The numberless eighth angel also calls forth the first resurrection in D&C 88. Valley of Jehosaphat indeed. Take note of Ezekiel 37 and how Ezekiel is called “son of man” and raises the valley of dry bones. Then the two sticks of Ephraim and Judah are mentioned (two birthrights combining - compare to the Rod of Jesse in D&C 113 / Isaiah 11) and then a bunch of verses about Jehovah’s beloved David becoming prince forever over Israel. Hrm….

I find it quite ironic that John speaks up first - perhaps this is why John asked to, well, not die. “Um, excuse me Lord. Yes, about dying….” lol

And the Saviour opened His mouth with a smile in the face of John, and He spake unto him, saying,'O John, My beloved, who didst cast thyself upon My breast because of the purity of thy heart, and the purity of thy holy body, and thy virginity, dost thou not know that in the day of the holy Resurrection men will not take unto themselves wives, and women will not live with husbands, and that there shell be no death, because old things shall have passed away? And there shall remain only the second death for those who have to meet it. On the day of the Holy Resurrection I shall come upon the clouds of heaven, and every eye shall see Me, and all peoples and tongues shall lament. And thousands of thousands, and tens of thousands of tens of thousands of angels shall be before Me. And My Cross shall advance before Me, like a symbol of sovereignty before a king, according to what I have said unto you, "The Son of Man shall come in His glory, and with that which is of His Father, and all His angels with Him." I will command My chief Archangel, the holy Michael, and he shall blow a blast on his trumpet in the Valley of Jehosaphat, that those who are dead may arise incorruptible, and there shall not remain upon the earth one soul that shall not rise up, from Adam the first man even unto the last man that shall be born into the world. And they all shall rise up in the Valley of Jehosaphat, so that each one may receive in his body according to what he hath done, whether it be good or whether it be evil. And they shall stand [there] in fear and trembling awaiting the Spirit of My Father.

As you can tell, I believe this account is absolutely inspired; however, to be intellectually consistent, honest, etc. there are a few elements to the above that makes me wonder if interpolation has occurred. In my next articles, I plan on writing about, "the coming of the Son of Man" - an event referenced above above where the son of man appears with the angels of heaven.

The bit about women not living with men seems suspect, yet if they are not sealed before the resurrection, then I guess that's true! Still, there are so many aspects in the Discourse on Abbaton that is confirmed by modern scripture. Though Michael is the seventh angel who blows the final trumpet of resurrection in the Bible. Yet the Bible does not name Michael as the seventh angel - this connection is made in D&C 88. Whereas the eighth angel blows the first trumpet of the morning of the first resurrection, the chief archangel Michael blows the final trumpet. This also matches the dominion of Abbadon who is pleasant to and purifier of Israel. This also matches the Holy Ghost who is a gift exclusive to Israel and who Paul suggests resurrected Jesus Christ. There are quite a few details in this Apocryphon that coincidentally align to exclusive modern revelation; and there are many details that confirm the identity of the Davidic Servant as the one who has been sitting upon Michael’s throne. The eighth angel. The David angel. The King who falls is Saul, etc.

'And as for thee, O My beloved John, thou shalt not die until the thrones have been prepared on the Day of the Resurrection, because the thrones of glory shall come down from heaven, and ye shall sit upon them, and I will sit in your midst. All the saints shall see the honour which I will pay unto thee, O My beloved John. I will command Abbatôn, the Angel of Death, to come unto thee on that day, and he shall not be in any form that will terrify thee, but he shall come unto thee in the form of a gentle man, with a face like unto that of Michael, and he shall take away thy soul and bring it unto Me. Thy body shall not be in the tomb for ever, neither shall the earth rest upon it for ever. All the saints shall marvel at thee because that shalt not be judged until thou judgest them. Thou shalt be dead for three and a half hours, lying upon thy throne, and all creation shall see thee. I will make thy soul to return to thy body, and thou shalt rise up and array thyself in apparel of glory, like unto that of one who hath stood up in the marriage chamber. Ye shall judge the world, according to what I have ordained for you, and ye shall sit upon thrones and shall judge the Twelve Tribes of Israel. And I said with [Myl mouth unto Paul, "We shall judge the angels before we come to the beings of the earth." For on that day [when] everything shall stand in fear and trembling I shall say, "Let them be separated from each other, even as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, the righteous on the right hand, and the sinners on the left,'' and not one shall make a sound (literally "give his voice") until he who is chief in his day shall corilmand him.

Paul? According to the Bible, Jesus dwelt for 40 days and ascended 10 days before Pentecost. Yet this is apparently a reference to 1 Corinthians 6:3, which was written, according to Wikipedia, between AD 53 - 57. This could be interpolation, or this could be John writing yet again, many years ex post facto. Or, this was some other visit by Jesus; I try to be open minded (as evidences by this blog.) :) Remember, the presbyter who offers this Discourse to Timothy is named John. John tends to add personal details into his narrative.

I may do a full breakdown at some point of the case for James and John being the two witnesses, but I have debated John being one of the two witnesses for quite some time. The most common argument against such is the two witnesses die, yet John is translated! Although the three nephites received a promise to never taste of death, John never received any such promise. In fact, he goes to great lengths to make such clear.

John 21:21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?

22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.

23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?

Notice how John, the author, makes a clear note here that Jesus never promised John would not die. Also note that there is evidence that the Gospel of John was written after the Book of Revelation where John was in his 90s on Patmos. If this Discourse on Abbaton is true, then John had it on good authority he would indeed die. John is told at the end of chapter 10 by the angel that he worships twice near the end of Revelation (upon which curiosity this story should shed tremendous light) that he will prophesy again before all nations, and immediately the account of the two witnesses begins.

Though John is dead for 3.5 hours in this account, this is rather coincidental to the account in Revelation 11 where the two witnesses are dead for 3.5 days--the Jonah duration. “All creation shall see thee,” the Lord says above. The two witnesses’ bodies are also on display. Isn’t it curious how the Lord doesn’t mention the other witness here. Or does He? Notice how the Lord says Abbadon will come to John in that day in the form of a gentle man with an appearance like Michael. Also notice how the Lord says this:I will make thy soul to return to thy body, and thou shalt rise up and array thyself in apparel of glory, like unto that of one who hath stood up in the marriage chamberIs the first witness the bridegroom - he who has been earning his right to rule by sitting upon the throne, and is the second witness John? Is Abbadon in the form of a gentle man because he was born upon the earth into mortality? Also, notice that fun phrase "like unto." John is like unto the one who is like unto the Son of Man.

Finally, notice how the angels are judged before men. This confirms that angels are also under the dominion of John, and that John shares the judgement right with the twelve apostles. Abbadon is also clearly given the right to judgement in this Apocryphon--and above the angels which is yet another clue to him being the first of two witnesses. The two witnesses are both judges.

'I shall look upon all My clay, and when I see that he is going to destruction I shall cry out to My Father, saying, "My Father, what profit is there in My Blood if he goeth to destruction?" And straightway the voice of My Father shall come unto Me from the seventh heaven, and none shall hear it except Myself, for I and My Father are One, saying, "Power belongeth unto Thee, O My Son, to do whatsoever Then pleasest with Thy clay." And in that day I shall say, "I rejoice because Thou didst cleave My covering, and didst gird me about with joy, and My right hand shall bless Thee because I am without sorrow." I shall say unto you in that day, "O My holy Apostles, and all My saints, whether ye be angels or archangels, or whether ye be prophets or righteous, and especially My Virgin Mother, and My chief Archangels Michael and Gabriel, I speak unto you, saying: No man who shall celebrate your commemoration upon earth, or shall give a loaf of bread in your name shall go to destruction." And straightway all the saints shall rush forward towards them, and each one shall seize upon those that belong to him. All those who have shewn love to you upon earth shall be brought back to the others who are on the right hand. Then shall the others cry out with loud wailings, and tears, and with suffering and sorrow of the heart, saying, "O Lord the Merciful One, the Son of the Merciful One, shew mercy upon us." Thereupon straightway shall the Son of God shed tears over them, and He shall say unto them, " My word remaineth with My Father."

What profit is there in My Blood if he goeth to destruction? I wonder why “My Blood” is capitalized here? I wish this work weren’t so obscure...almost like it’s been hidden. Could “My Blood” be indicative of the line of Jesse? Are we talking about a literal offspring of Jesus Christ? Jesse’s son David starts the Davidic Covenant with Jehovah, yet Jesse, not David, is the one who is mentioned as the progenitor of the royal bloodline. David, who fails and falls from his exaltation, begins the covenant. Does this layer represent Adam’s fall from his own throne? D&C 132 sure makes David’s fall sound like a failure of eternal permanence. Yet Adam willingly gave up his throne here to ascend another angel.

The above paragraph is a prophecy of the future. “I shall say” and, “the father shall say.” So Jesus’ blood .. the Davidic Servant (of Jesse) … and perhaps John as well....are going to destruction. So the question is asked, “what profit is the destruction of My Blood?” What’s the answer - answers mismatching questions are a curious motif throughout this Apocryphon. Almost like someone highly intelligent is the source of this where the mismatch is like unto a parable. The answer is given by the father, “The power is yours to do what you will with your clay / creation.” Then the Lord tells Israel from saints to archangels that no man who celebrates their commemoration shall go to destruction.” Notice who the Lord’s blood is conspicuously absent here from the answer.

I believe the answer here that is deliberately missing is found in the painstaking studies of Avraham Gileadi, renown Isaiah scholar from Brigham Young University. He identifies themes and keywords across the book of Isaiah that unveil the truth of the Davidic Servant, perhaps the most important of which is that the servant is a participator in the davidic covenant of proxy salvation. Whereas the Lord Jesus Christ empowers the servant through the Atonement, the Davidic Servant who is the lesser God or King of this world, undergoes a descent and an ascent as well that involves proxy salvation. Granted, neither his descent nor ascent match the Lord Jehovah’s; however they will indeed match each other. Just as Jesus descended below all to inherit all, the servant must descend below Israel to ascend above Israel. He goes to destruction so Israel will not have to. This is the Davidic Covenant in a nutshell as to how Greater Gods produce lesser gods.

'And straightway My Father shall shut the door of heaven, and go His way. And I shall say to them straightway, "My Father doth not desire to shew mercy upon you." And they shall cry out the more, saying, "Have mercy upon us, for the Devil would not permit us to repent. If we had known that these things were to be we should have repented even unto the shedding of blood." And forthwith I shall utter curses upon Satan that day, and I will make them to seize him, and to fetter him in the bonds which cannot be broken, and I will curse that lying prophet who hath led astray all the nations, and Antichrist, the son of perdition, and they shall cast them into the Lake of Fire which bumeth with fire and sulphur, together with all those who have been their followers in the world, and they shall never enjoy repose, day or night. Their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched.

Mercy cannot rob justice.

'Now therefore, O My holy Apostles, behold I have shewn you everything which ye asked Me to explain, and how Adam transgressed until death came into the world, and how Abbatôn, the Angel [of Death], became king over all created things. And now ye shall proclaim the day of his commemoration, so that the sons of men may be afraid and repent. Speak ye unto all mankind, saying, "Whosoever doeth that which is good shall rise in the resurrection . . . . . . life. Whosoever shall do that which is evil shall rise in the resurrection to judgment." Then the Apostles worshipped the Saviour, saying, "Our Lord and our God! Thou hast filled us with blessings, and Thou hast never disappointed us in any way, in [answering] the questions which we have asked of Thee."' And the Saviour kissed them, and the angels bore Him up into heaven whilst they followed Him with their gaze. And the Apostles worshipped Him, and each one of them departed to preach what the Lord had commanded them.

Proclaim the day of Abbadon’s commemoration. The scary truth of the Angel of Death and justice and judgement - key words that align to both the Davidic Servant and the role of the lesser Priesthood - serves a grand purpose here on Earth. Without fear there can be no absence of fear. What a powerful exit after telling this discourse. Jesus led the apostles about for 3 + years, dies, and ascends and on the final day of his visits he tells them, “By the way. The Angel of Death is the King of this World.” Despite that, as is the case with most revelation, the Lord will not reveal until we ask as Peter did here.

Now behold, we have declared these things unto you, O my beloved, according to what me found in [the books of] the Library of Jerusalem, which our holy Fathers the Apostles brought and placed therein, for the benefit of the believers and for the salvation of the men who are unbelievers. Now therefore, my beloved, let us be zealous in bestowing charities and making offerings on the day of the commemoration of Abbatôn, the Angel of Death, each according to his power. Remember what is written in the Gospel wherein our Saviour ascribed more blessing to the poor woman who cast two mites into the treasury than to all the other folk who had cast in their offerings], and how He said, 'All these have cast in gifts from their superabundance, but she hath given out of her absolute poverty. May God Who hath deemed us worthy to gather together in this place this day to commemorate Abbatôn, the Angel of Death, whom God hath made to be king over us, hold us to he worthy to gather together in His kingdom, which is in the heavens. O my beloved, we all have need of the Spirit of our God, even as the wise man saith, 'As I wish to live, I wish to make every one else live also' And may it be, O my beloved, that He will deem us worthy to hear the blessed voice, that is filled with all glasness, 'Come, ye blessed ones of My Father, inherit the kingdom which hath been prepared for you from the foundation of the world,' through the grace and love of man of our Lord Jesus the Christ, to Whom be glory, and to His Good Father, and to the Holy Spirit for ever and ever! Amen.

In the above paragraph, Timothy, the Archbishop is apparently again addressing the reader. Is it me, or does Timothy seem to understand that the Angel Abbadon is the Holy Spirit? Notice a clue here … he seems to align the day of his writing to the day of commemoration of Abbadon. Too bad he didn’t list a date, though we know he transcribes in 385 AD. Below is a note written later in AD 982 during the month of thoth, which very well may have encapsulated the fall festivals.


Remember of your charity Theopistus, the least worthy of men, O every one who shall read in this book, [and pray] that God will forgive me the multitude of my sins. Written on the eleventh day of the month of Thôth, in the Third Indiction, of the six hundred and ninety-eighth year of the Era of the Martyrs (i.e. A.D. 982).

With God! This little book was made by the zeal and care of the God-loving brother, Etout (?) Khaêl, the son of the blessed Stephen, the lion hunter, who undertook [the writing thereof] at his own expense, and gave it to the Monastery of St. Mercurius of the city of Tbô (Apollinopolis, or Utfû, or Udfû), for the salvation of his soul, in order that [the monks might] read therein in the name of Abbatôn, the Angel of Death, and that Saint Mercurius might invoke Christ on his behalf, and bless him in this world, and deliver him from all the wiles of the Devil and of wicked men, and might help him to bring every work to a successful issue, and that when he cometh forth from this life the Archangel Abbatôn may shew kindness on his behalf before God, and may forgive him his sins. So be it! Amen. Amen

By 982 AD, there very likely could have been some interpolations made into the text. This may explain some of the text that reads a little off--perhaps there were doctrinal debates of the day. How tempting would it be to add a bit about angel commemoration if that were a subject under debate. Or, perhaps angel commemoration is a thing after all:

D&C 121:25 For there is a time appointed for every man, according as his works shall be.

26 God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost, that has not been revealed since the world was until now;
27 Which our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation to be revealed in the last times, which their minds were pointed to by the angels, as held in reserve for the fulness of their glory;

28 A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many gods, they shall be manifest.

29 All thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Gustave Dore - Death on a Pale Horse - 1865

"Whom shall I send?" asks the Lord in Abraham 3. "Whom shall I send? asks the Lord in Isaiah 6. Singling out the individual angel who would sit upon the throne of Michael is underscored marvelously in the Discourse on Abbaton. Adam's throne was already established. This selection had to take place first before Adam could be created. What a wonderful find this apocryphon has been for me to affirm and reaffirm many of truths I've learned, including the Davidic Servant is he who is chosen in Abraham 3:27.

Abraham 3:27 And the Lord said: Whom shall I send? And one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here am I, send me. And another answered and said: Here am I, send me. And the Lord said: I will send the first.

In D&C 121 above, we are told that these dominions of the Gods and angels are still as-of-yet unrevealed! I mean, think about that! John worships the angel of revelation ... twice...near the end....after beholding a full revelation of which we only have a partial account. Nephi receives the Spirit of the Lord and is shown a revelation of the coming of Jesus Christ. He is then forbidden to share more at some point. Keep John's worshiping of the angel in mind as you read what, to me, are now obvious clues Nephi left for us to discover. Are you sitting down?

1 Nephi 14:27 And I, Nephi, heard and bear record, that the name of the apostle of the Lamb was John, according to the word of the angel.

28 And behold, I, Nephi, am forbidden that I should write the remainder of the things which I saw and heard; wherefore the things which I have written sufficeth me; and I have written but a small part of the things which I saw.

29 And I bear record that I saw the things which my father saw, and the angel of the Lord did make them known unto me.

The angel revealed much to me...I'm forbidden for sharing all but a small part...but I bear record that I indeed saw those things that the angel of the Lord showed unto me *pssst he's important*. Do you think that's a stretch? Consider,  that in the very next chapter, Nephi starts to preach from Isaiah, which he has not done up until this time.

1 Nephi 15:20 And I did rehearse unto them the words of Isaiah, who spake concerning the restoration of the Jews, or of the house of Israel; and after they were restored they should no more be confounded, neither should they be scattered again. And it came to pass that I did speak many words unto my brethren, that they were pacified and did humble themselves before the Lord.

Hrm ... the restoration of the Jews and the House of Israel is all Davidic Servanty stuff. My, my, my what a coincidence! Nephi brings up Isaiah again in chapter 19, and then transcribes Isaiah 48 in 1 Nephi 20. Isaiah 48 is amidst the chapters of the servant songs of Isaiah. Huh!

I mean, imagine transcribing Isaiah into metal plates. That sounds like a painstaking process. I'm sure this is all a coincidence and Nephi stops there right? ;) ;) 1 Nephi 21 is Nephi's transcription of Isaiah 49. Isaiah 49 contains a very important clue, transcribed here in 1 Nephi 21:

1 Nephi 49:2 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me;

Above is Jehovah's servant speaking where he says he has been hidden in the shadow of the hand of the Lord. Still, this all could be a coincidence, right? I mean, Nephi isn't passionately doing his best to share the forbidden mysteries is he?

2 Nephi 8:16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion: Behold, thou art my people.

Oh ... my ... goodness! Did you see that? Here I was just trying to paint this picture of Nephi's joy and zeal as he continues to painstakingly transcribe many chapters of Isaiah on into 2 Nephi; he even appears as though he's attempting to transcribe all of Isaiah from the beginning. I'm guessing his wrist got sore, as he skips back to the servant songs such as Isaiah 51 above that is also about the servant of Jevovah being hidden (see article: The Hidden Servant.) What does the Lord Jehovah say to his servant? "I have hidden you that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth!!!" That fits in perfectly with the Discourse on Abbaton! Mouriel / Abbadon is the angel who starts the creation of Adam by gathering the materials. 

Before discovering this article, I had already concluded that the primary function of this world was to establish a new King. If that is a difficult pill to swallow, consider the vast difference in treatment between Israel and the rest of the world in the Old Testament. Make no mistake - God has favorites. This is a result of the difference between equality of opportunity versus equality of outcome, which is still the centerpiece of ongoing war in heaven. The equal opportunity presented to all is the immortality and eternal life of man - Moses 1:39. Making a new God is achieving the eternal life of that man - the same life God lives. 

Consider that the Holy Ghost is very likely the highest authority in a probationary state. Each of the seven patriarchs have established their thrones, their names, and their dominions. Each passes his right to rule to the eighth angel - the David angel. Now, by his rule does the Holy Ghost overcome.

Joseph also said that the Holy Ghost is now in a state of probation which if he should perform in righteousness he may pass through the same or a similar course of things that the Son has. ~ Joseph Smith, The Words of Joseph Smith, p. 245 (From Franklin D. Richards Journal)

Also, please consider Jesus Himself quotes His own prophet Isaiah to the Nephites. Think about that ... the Lord Jehovah is quoting His medium or intermediary. I mean, He's the source of that information! And, surprise, surprise, Jesus also quotes servant songs (see 3 Nephi 20 and 3 Nephi 21) to the Nephites. Why would Jesus tell the Nephites all about the end times servant when they will all be long dead, unless the hidden servant matters to them? Maybe it's nothing ....

3 Nephi 23:1 And now, behold, I say unto you, that ye ought to search these things. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah.

Once the Lord finishes quoting servant scriptures from Isaiah and expounding upon them, He commands "you" (the Nephite / the reader, i.e. us) to search diligently the words of Isaiah. Hrm... might it be safe to say there's an important message for all of us within? Might it be safe to say there's an important message to Him within? David means Beloved after all.

I may end up turning this conclusion into yet another article. I'll channel my own zeal with some additional reading suggestions at the end. The Davidic Servant is Abbadon. Abbadon sits upon the throne. He is he who sitteth upon the throne. Reread the Book of Revelation with this all in mind.

Consider the primary purpose of this world is to produce an heir - a new God. This is not the first time I've introduced this idea, yet this apocryphon uniquely reinforces this notion. How so? Before Adam's physical body is created, an angel must succeed in overcoming the fear of the name of the Father to gather the materials. Whoever gathers those materials sits upon the throne that Adam vacates upon his fall.

Finally, consider Daniel 7, in light of, well all of this.

Daniel 7:13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.

Jesus is not brought to Michael. Michael is brought to Jesus. However, the one like unto the Son of Man is not Jesus! This is the Angel of the Lord being brought to Michael. Likewise, Jesus does not receive dominion from Michael, Michael receives dominion from Jesus. The Angel of the Lord is the one receiving dominion here from Michael. Of course, this makes perfect, logical sense as far as hierarchies are concerned ... and even plain English.

Most like unto the Son of man designations in fact the Davidic Servant. Daniel witnessed the Holy Ghost overcome his probation and receive his permanent dominion in Daniel 7:13-14 above which ties directly into Revelation 19, Isaiah 63, and D&C 133 (and more) in regards to the one who wears red of who it shall be said: Who is this? I'm opening a can of worms here, but I plan on more about this in my next article. Consider that about half the world is either Christian or understands Christianity well enough to expect Jesus to be the one wearing red. Who is this?

In my next article, I will laser focus in on the Destroyer role of the Davidic Servant, and I will demonstrate that the one wearing red who comes with all the holy angels is in fact the one who became a king forever by the blood of Jesus Christ. I will end here with one verse from another apocryphon. Consider - The Davidic servant, who is receiving the sixth promise of overcoming in Revelation and who is the eighth angel in authority on Earth, is hidden from the foundation of the world from the beginning to the end. In the Apocalypse of Thomas, the seven trumps of revelation are likened unto the seven days of the end times.

And when the seven days are passed by, on the eighth day at the sixth hour there shall be a sweet and tender voice in heaven from the east. Then shall that angel be revealed which hath power over the holy angels: and all the angels shall go forth with him, sitting upon chariots of the clouds of mine holy Father (so) rejoicing and running upon the air beneath the heaven to deliver the elect that have believed in me. And they shall rejoice that the destruction of this world hath come. ~ Apocalypse of Thomas

but thou shalt go unto them and treat them with gentle tenderness...

Additional Reading:

The Book of Revelation - Yes, the entire book! Consider the following as you read:

  • The following characters may all be the Davidic Servant
    • The angel who delivers the message to John
    • The recipient of the sixth message of Revelation including the sixth promise of overcoming
    • The "another angel" (alt translation is, "the other angel" or the 8th angel as the other angels are numbered 1 - 7)
    • Abbadon
    • The angel who gives John the book
    • One of the two witnesses who are both the anointed ones (John's turn to sit upon the throne may be next imho)
    • The repeating phrase God who is, who was, and who is to come includes the Davidic Servant
    • The Bridegroom
    • The one who wears red (I will write an article on this next)
Doctrine & Covenants Section 93:

  • D&C 93 starts laying out the path to Godhood, how Jesus became God, how we must know what we worship, and then just as the Lord is about to expound upon how we embark on that same process, He tells us if we are faithful we will receive the fulness of the record of John, i.e. all the things John saw that led him to worship the Angel of the Lord.

1 Nephi 14 - 2 Nephi 33

You've read these two books a thousand times, what is one more time? Only this time, start in 14 where Nephi mentions he is forbidden from sharing all the things he saw. Suddenly he starts transcribing Isaiah, almost as though he's channeling his frustration, his joy, and his obedience all at once. Notice how much Nephi speaks of the Holy Ghost, the process of uncovering mysteries - OK maybe start in chapter 10 - and the path to godhood in 2 Nephi 31.

Of course, I suggest reading all articles here on this blog; however, in the Discourse on Abbaton, there is an interesting, repeated use of the month “Hathor” here - Hathor is the third month in the ancient Egyptian calendar. Have a look at the article Abraham and the Davidic Servant Part II and take note at central Hathor is in Egyptian Mythology along with Horus who has an uncanny resemblance to the Davidic Servant and whose symbols are central in the Abrahamic facsimiles. My, my what coincidences those are. 


Most sources are linked to the text within the article. Below are some of the sources used in this article, including the source of the full text of the Discourse on Abbaton.


  1. Wow. Thank you so very much for the sincere and dedicated effort to share truth! Bless you. Many answers to questions I have asked were addressed in here. In addition, many questions have been inspired to be asked as well. There is so much I wish to understand and this was a phenomenal piece of work, as much of your work is. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment - I truly appreciate the recognized effort. :)

      Soon after publishing this article, the same user who awakened me to the Discourse on Abbaton shared yet another apocryphal work that speaks of this 8th angel becoming a King and a Priest in the end times who will execute righteous judgement. What a coincidence!

      Here's my commentary and breakdown on - just copy and paste any of these links into your web browser.

    2. The Testament of Levi is an apocalyptic section. It is one of the longest of the Testaments, and is predominantly concerned with arrogance. Taking the theme of the Levite priesthood, the Testament explains how Levi's descendants corrupted the office by their arrogant disregard for the proper regulations.

      Chapter 2-8 involves Levi being taken to heaven and promised the priesthood forever, and then seven angels physically give him the insignia of the priesthood (as described in Exodus). This part parallels the beginning and end of a vision in the Aramaic Levi Document, whence the body of the vision is now lost; and is thought to preserve that part of the text.[10]

      In chapters 14-18 Levi cites a "book of Enoch", describing the sins of his descendants, with the promise that at the end there will be a glorious priest who will restore the righteousness of his office. The tropes of Levi's "Book" match those of the "Apocalypse of Weeks" in 1 Enoch.[11]

      Note the seven angels and the glorious priest who is a restorer...

    3. Wow Jesse - you've left a couple of amazing comments today. It seems you know this work well! I didn't realize 1 Enoch was being referenced in Testament of Levi, but the parallels are there of course. The "Elect One" is so clearly the servant of Isaiah as I point out in a series of three articles here on this site. I hope you will read them and comment!

    4. I know the Gospel yes - but it’s only just this week I have had this idea of the Davidic servant given me through the Spirit and led here, I do know how to study and pray though, and how to receive revelation. Everything I know has been revealed to me so I take no credit. The patterns for the Servant are everywhere and I thought of multitudes of links and patterns. I’ll study it out, make the connections and get back to you when I’m done. I appreciate the time you’ve put into this and the trampling of your pearls you’ve endured. You know what Joseph said about using a “corn dodger and a beetle” in regards to bringing new ideas...

  2. If you are right about all of this you have quite the gift. I mean this is really something to behold

    1. This is all founded in personal revelation. What a bunch of coincidences these articles would all be ....

    2. J Smith is a type . Hyrum Page predicted the falling stars.

      Do not discount great prophets by your worship of the lesser who died as beasts, falling.

  3. I differ with you in the precept or Doctrine that the Holy Ghost is the eighth angel. The Holy Ghost is a thir member of the Godhead, equal in authority and power to the other two members of the Godhead being God and Jsesus Christ. The Holy Ghost is God and members of the Godhead are equal in power, Glory and authority although God presides over the Godhead. Mean every other principality or power in Heaven outside of the Godhead is not equal in rank or above the Holy Ghost. Micheal the chief arch Angel is lesser in rank to the Holy Ghost.

    1. Thank You for pointing it out about the eternal position of Godhead as Eternal First Presidency so that we may keep that in mind.


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