The Book of Enoch Commentary - Chapter 39

The Book of Enoch Commentary - Chapter 39

The Book of Enoch - Chapter 39 source

This chapter is the basis for my first published article on the Book of Enoch, The Book of Enoch and the Davidic Servant Part I. This one chapter is a rich source of truth that aligns straight back to Isaiah and confirms the Elect One is in fact the servant of Isaiah, the servant of the "Servant Songs" of Isaiah who is the Davidic Servant. This will be brief review of Enoch 39 with the benefit of additional knowledge and testimony that have come in the many months since.

1. In those days shall the elect and holy race descend from the upper heavens, and their seed shall then be with the sons of men. Enoch received books of indignation and wrath, and books of hurry and agitation.

Interestingly, there are saints who reject this idea of chosen or holy spirits being born in the end times. This resistance is in fact straight from the adversary and from communism whose author is the devil. Everyone is the same is of course a silly lie. There is ample evidence in the scriptures and in the teachings of the prophets that elect souls are born in the end times to work in concert with angels to usher in the Kingdom of God (See Moses 7, Joseph Smith commentary on Moses 7.) 

2. Never shall they obtain mercy, saith the Lord of spirits.

3. A cloud then snatched me up, and the wind raised me above the surface of the earth, placing me at the extremity of the heavens.

4. There I saw another vision; I saw the habitations and couches of the saints. There my eyes beheld their habitations with the angels, and their couches with the holy ones. They were entreating, supplicating, and praying for the sons of men; while righteousness like water flowed before them, and mercy like dew was scattered over the earth. And thus shall it be with them for ever and for ever.

The most oft used key word in association with the Davidic Servant: Righteousness. This key word is the antonym of Sin and points us forward to the removal of the curses of Eden.

5. At that time my eyes beheld the dwelling of the elect, of truth, faith, and righteousness.

6. Countless shall be the number of the holy and the elect, in the presence of God for ever and for ever.

7. Their residence I beheld under the wings of the Lord of spirits. All the holy and the elect sung before him, in appearance like a blaze of fire; their mouths being full of blessings, and their lips glorifying the name of the Lord of spirits. And righteousness incessantly dwelt before him,

8. There was I desirous of remaining, and my soul longed for that habitation. There was my antecedent inheritance; for thus had I prevailed before the Lord of spirits.

As you will see in verse 11, these "holy" and "elect" (chosen) angels sing the anthem of the Seraphim from Isaiah 6: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts. These are the Seraphim, and Enoch both desires to have his lot assigned to them and receives his wish. This was an incredible confirmation to me as I had aligned Enoch to the sixth level of mankind - the seraphim - before I had read the Book of Enoch. 

9. At that time I glorified and extolled the name of the Lord of spirits with blessing and with praise; for he has established it with blessing and with praise, according to his own good pleasure.

When I first reviewed this chapter, I had not yet realized that the "name" used throughout the scriptures (and apocrypha) is referring to the Davidic Covenant. In Isaiah we learn the ends of servant's works is to earn himself an everlasting name, which partially explains why it's been hidden. In Revelation, we learn the Lord writes upon His servant His new name. The "name" is used throughout our sacred ordinances. And, while in the flesh, the Lord spoke constantly of "my name's sake." Jehovah is the Lord of Spirits in Enoch and the giver of the Davidic Covenant. The Elect One is "elected" or "chosen" to what end? In Isaiah 6, the Lord asks, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" Though Isaiah stands in the servant's place, Isaiah 6 points straight to Abraham 3's choosing. The Elect One is chosen to carry the name of the Lord (see Exodus 23:21) to then have the Lord's new name written upon him at the end. John witnesses this and worships the angel who carries the message for the angel delivering the message is the same "Elect One" from 1 Enoch. (See Revelation 19:10-17 and compare to the message & promise from the Lord to the sixth angel in Revelation 3:7-12)

10. That place long did my eyes contemplate. I blessed and said, Blessed be he, blessed from the beginning for ever. In the beginning, before the world was created, and without end is his knowledge.

11. What is this world? Of every existing generation those shall bless thee who do not sleep in the dust, but stand before thy glory, blessing, glorifying, exalting thee, and saying, The holy, holy, Lord of spirits, fills the whole world of spirits.

12. There my eyes beheld all who, without sleeping, stand before him and bless him, saying, Blessed be thou, and blessed be the name of God for ever and for ever. Then my countenance became changed, until I was incapable of seeing.

Blessed be thou and blessed be the name of God is showing obeisance to the Lord and to the Lord's chosen (elected) vessel. The plan of salvation includes showing one's willingness to defer to and obey the voice of the "Elect One" who is the Angel who led Israel in a pillar of fire.

Exodus 23:20 ¶ Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.
21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.
22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries. 

The name is mentioned all throughout the Doctrine & Covenants. Why does the Lord speak of His name so much, rather than Himself? The answer is of course, He's not referring to just Himself but His heir who sits upon the throne of this world.

D&C 88:120 That your incomings may be in the name of the Lord; that your outgoings may be in the name of the Lord; that all your salutations may be in the name of the Lord, with uplifted hands unto the Most High.


  1. God does not want to be worshiped like an idol. It's about being loving and standing for Love.


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