Masks are Against My Religion

Masks are Against My Religion

Though this blog is extremely niche by design, I'm opening the target audience up to the general public to consider this Latter-day Saint's perspective on why wearing a mask is "against my religion." As such, I will cite scriptures both from the Bible and from the scriptures considered canon by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint.

I put "against my religion" in quotes since my church is largely in lock-step with the globalist push for wearing masks and face coverings. Yet the term "against my religion" (and article title) is a reference to the right of freedom of religion that is supposed to be protected by our government and not infringed upon by our government - at all levels.

The First Amendment of the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

While assembling for rioting is being protected, many states are literally persecuting and prosecuting folks who attempt to gather for church on Sunday. So, while stating "Wearing Masks are Against My Religion," is a direct reference the right to exercise our religion freely, the following is a more accurate statement:

Wearing a mask in response to COVID-19 is against my most sacredly held personal beliefs.

I want to give some concise context before looking at why wearing masks is against my religion.

Some Context:

When can we start taking these masks off? I think a lot of folks think this is just about the election and that things will magically go back to normal after the election. I don't think so. The sudden global police-state fascism in countries such as India and Australia is alarming. Check points - forced quarantines. In a relatively short amount of time, there has been a sudden and fierce attempt to control and coerce global populations, and the mask mandates are at the center of this absurd tyranny both symbolically and literally.

Why? Why are we wearing masks? At the very least, studies are mixed with many studies concluding that masks can be worse than wearing nothing. Since the mask mandates started trickling in, I've seen example after example of doctors speaking out against this requirement from a scientific standpoint. The vast majority of folks I've seen speaking for mask mandates are politicians and spokespersons for large businesses.

What? Numbers. I'm a numbers guy with a math brain. There has been a complete absence of numbers that justify the reaction to COVID-19. How many people are dying since march in comparison with last summer? Shouldn't we be looking at these numbers with a magnifying lens?

The above graphic is an apples-apples comparison. From January to May roughly 25 % fewer people have died in the US.

Again, this article's purpose isn't to deep dive the fraud, but to show why wearing refusing the mask is in fact a principled decision justified by common sense and by scripture.

The Reasons

I was inspired by 10 Reasons Why I Refuse to Wear a Mask posted on shared with me by a close friend. This is an incredible article which I strongly recommend reading, and I want to really expound upon his "integrity" reason listed in his fifth point and add some religion.

1. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness

Exodus 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

How is wearing a mask bearing false witness against your neighbor? Great question! If you know that masks do not stop viruses and / or if you know the push to wear masks is fraudulent, then you are knowingly bearing false witness against your neighbor if you wear a mask for "virus protection." You are participating in the fraud and bear some of the responsibility of influencing others in doing the same by your false witness.


2. Shame

Shame is central to the compulsion to wear masks. So many folks wear masks to avoid shame. Yet whose shame are we bearing? We are making a choice when we choose whether or not to wear a mask. We are choosing to either bear the shame of man or bear the shame of the Lord? Whose shame will you bear? Will you be ashamed of the Lord by wearing a mask to avoid the shame of man, or will you bear the shame of man by refusing the mask and avoid the shame of the Lord?

Mark 8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have the benefit of modern revelation where we have additional insight and understanding to how the shame of mankind influences our path to eternal life. This shame is represented in a dream given to a prophet where a large and spacious building is full of people pointing and mocking at those who are on the path. Those who are influenced more by the shame of man than of God are then compelled to leave the path and join those in the building. But, to remain in the building, new additions must join in with the pointing and mocking. Whether or not you personally mock folks who refuse masks, you are participating in this shame when you put on a silly, ineffective medical mask.


3. The US Constitution is Sacred

Again, by the benefit of modern revelation, we Latter-day Saints understand that the Lord Almighty was behind the sacred document known as the Constitution of the United States of America. At the core of these sacred principles is the truth that man has been endowed rights by his creator and that governments should protect these rights rather than infringe upon them.

D&C 101:77 According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles;

The rights and protection of all flesh ... and though while the Constitution is not a perfect document, if for no other reason than due to the fact our language is imperfect, the fact we should be able to make our own medical decisions is certainly a right that is aligned to the spirit of the law of the US Constitution. Fortunately, there have been two Governors (of South Dakota and George) who have understood this sacred principle and have made efforts to protect their citizens from the compulsion of mask mandates. Refusing mask mandates / compulsion is embracing the principles of liberty and the protection of sacred inalienable rights at the core of the US Constitution.

4. The Mark of the Beast

I realize folks reading this point may be taken aback - "The Mark of the Beast? Really?" Yes. Really. Hear me out please. While debating this topic on, I received a few replies from individuals who stated their belief that these mask mandates were not the Mark of the Beast (You can read the thread and full case I make here.) My response to one of these statements was: I'm sure there will be some OTHER massive fraud where the beast will compel all both small and great both rich and poor and free and bond globally to wear a useless token on their face.

Think about that - there is a global effort to compel ALL to wear a face covering. Consider the Greek word for "Forehead" literally means "After the Eyes." Are masks, "After the eyes?" Are there any connections to Luciferian symbolism?

Consider this video on twitter of Lady Gaga (from 2000 allegedly) and the mask she's wearing along with the symbolism of twin serpents and the deity connection of the Japanese shrine:

Now, consider the following definition of Greek for "Mark" from Strong's Concordance:

charagma χάραγμα – properly, an engraving (etching); (figuratively) a mark providing undeniable identification, like a symbol giving irrefutable connection between parties.

Masked Person A: Do you participate in this transparently silly COVID fraud?
Masked Person B: Why yes, yes I do. Have a look at my mask.

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Is there going to be some other global identifier (Mark) that we are going to wear after our eyes? Or is this it? Even if this isn't the final mark to which John refers in Revelation, consider this truth:

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Again - whether this is the final mark of the beast, there is in fact a global identifier being compelled / forced upon us that is already preventing us from buying and selling. Wake up. Whose side are you on!?

One of the central themes of this blog is the Davidic King who gathers Israel and prepares the way for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. At the onset of the creation of this world, there were two souls who volunteered to stand as the voice of Jehovah (more here.) The masks covering our mouths is the perfect representation of Satan's rage at not being chosen.

5. Liberty versus Compulsion

Liberty versus compulsion is central to the war in heaven that has continued to exist since the foundation of this world and continues before us this day. Central to the devil's plan is compulsion whereas liberty is central to Lord's plan. To see the devil's plan in action, look no further than Communism. What are the fruits of communism? How many people died in the 20th century because communism? 

The compulsion behind the mask mandates is far, far, far more dangerous than any of these viruses. 

2 Nephi 2:27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.

6. Stand for Righteousness

We believe the Book of Mormon was compiled by the prophets by the Spirit of God specifically for us living in these times; they included those scriptures that were intended for us and the problems we'd face. Two themes I want to enunciate here are standing for the principles of liberty and standing against those we work in darkness to thwart our liberty. Now, basically.

One of these Book of Mormon leaders witnessed his people being oppressed by these forces of darkness that work to oppress and subvert liberty. This was his reaction:

Alma 46:12 And it came to pass that he rent his coat; and he took a piece thereof, and wrote upon it—In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children—and he fastened it upon the end of a pole.
13 And he fastened on his head-plate, and his breastplate, and his shields, and girded on his armor about his loins; and he took the pole, which had on the end thereof his rent coat, (and he called it the title of liberty) and he bowed himself to the earth, and he prayed mightily unto his God for the blessings of liberty to rest upon his brethren, so long as there should a band of Christians remain to possess the land—


Another one of these prophets spoke to us directly ...

Ether 8:24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

Wow. Here the prophet Moroni doesn't say, "Hey you should probably wake up," rather, he says "the Lord commandeth you" - We are commanded to awaken to a sense of our awful situation. Wake up. There is massive and obvious fraud behind the COVID-19 scheme. Our liberties are already being infringed upon massively. Businesses are being shut down by edict, which is exactly the same type of tyranny that led to the American Revolution. Ponder this message and pray about what you can do to bear the shame of man in the name of the Lord.

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs Madison 1803


  1. Alaris, you know I love your blog. While I agree with almost all of your points in this article, I don't think that the masks are the actual mark prophesied about. It is definitely a practice run for future man made "pandemics" they put out, to see how we will behave. And it is training us to "go along" and be obedient to future more terrible tyrannical restrictions. I believe it is put out by those who will require the mark. But this is only a practice run. Just my thoughts.

    1. David thank you for your thoughts. There are save two churches only and it is in fact the church of the devil behind these mask mandates. Any way you slice it, the mask COMPULSION is clearly wrong. This isn't about winning an election... There is a far darker agenda here.

      I've seen several people I respect make this point. Here's my counterpoint. Is it OK to comply with the mark of the beast dry run? Should we be silent like "they" are hoping we'll be? If the "real" mark comes later will this have been a fake mark? This is all a part of the same conflict the mark represents! Whether you're just avoiding the appearance of evil or avoiding actual evil (this is actual evil) the choice to show allegiance to the Lord and His name is clear. Stand for righteousness.

    2. Oh I agree the mask mandate is wrong. I would probably wear a mask if 1. the corona virus was actually dangerous and killing people. Even by the CDC's own inflated death rates the death toll is much lower than the flu, and 2. if wearing a mask actually protected anyone. It is like trying to catch mosquitoes with chicken wire. All it does is restrict the air intake of the one wearing it.

      That is what makes this whole thing so nefarious, from beginning to end the whole thing is a fraud. It is all about seeing how we will react and comply. It is about teaching us to not question, just obey.

    3. I am having an internal conflict since our Prophet is going against by entire core belief concerning the Plandemic. I am an RN. Masks do not filter viruses and the vaccine is an untested death sentence. Do we follow the prophet as a sacrifice and obey the commandments. How can you stay a member if you no longer sustain the prophet? Do we willing give up our life? My husband feels that suicide by vaccine is not the answer. Help.

    4. Do what the Holy Ghost does... Do NOT what the vaccine says. Its political at least and mark of beast at strongest.

      Trump recently said 8 million for him were just founded. He won! Now, settle down and ready the real battle!

    5. Please keep your posts coming! By the power of discernment I have always felt the spirit when something our leadership in the church (including our RS sisters) says or does, is or is not, correct. When it's not correct it it feels off to we are stepping off the straight and narrow covenant path. I've really felt this when the supposed vaccine was rolled out and not only endorsed, but eagerly sent around the world through LDS Charities. When I heared leadership talk about being a part of the UN 2030 agenda (let alone all of the racism and the alphabet soup talk) my feelings from the spirit were confirmed. The division that has been caused by the leadership promoting the vaccine has been huge! I'm in the RS presidency and it is so difficult to even teach sisters to not fear and have full trust and faith in our Savior and Redeemer. Only He can truly save!
      P.S. love your thoughts on the Davidic Servant..wowser!!

    6. Death (suicide) by vaccine? Well, as a living witness having taken the 'jab' I can tell you I am still very much alive :D If there is any ill effect that might result from the vaccine, I have faith in my Saviour that he will be merciful and heal me to the extend necessary that I might fulfil my mortal mission. I've been receiving vaccines since as a little child. Nothing wrong with the vaccines themselves, they are a miracle and I praise Heavenly Father for them.

      But I concur that Free Agency is the most prized possession that we have received. We should never be forced to take something into our body's that we don't want. And I will protest & fight for that freedom.

      Guys/Gals, don't you see what is _réally_ is happening? The Vaccine and mask wearing was purposely being politized by all parties, domestic and foreign. The real problem is that the vaccine and mask wearing is now its divisive. The real damage is not done by the vaccine or masks itself, but by the breaking up of families, friends, wards and the whole Church.

      Yes, disagree, and protest peacefully (to the extend Christ gave the example in the Temple Court, but do not put anyone else's lives in danger!! Defensive measures like those undertaken by Captain Moroni is also allowed, but only with the same considerations and guidance of the Spirit. The Capitol Riot was NOT that).

      Apply the following to mask wearing in Church

      1 Corinthians 11:
      16 However if anyone wants to argue about this, _we don’t have any other custom_, nor do the congregations of God.

      17 But when it comes to your meetings, I’m not praising anyone, for _they seem to be doing more harm than good_.
      18 First, I hear that when you meet as a congregation, there are divisions among you…
      And I believe that’s partly true, 19 because there had to be sects among you so that those that are approved could be clearly identified.

      20 However, when we meet in our gatherings, _isn’t it to eat the Lord’s Supper?_

      Consider guidance from Church leadership, follow the Prophet, but most of all, listen to His Spirit. The Spirit of Forgiveness and Love unfeigned.

  2. 'sup. Love your blog. I'm a microbiologist, virologist, Latter-day Saint, etc. I love freedom, science, religion, the Savior, the Constitution, etc.

    I just wanted to add a few thinking points, hopefully in the style of the master teacher, who often used extreme examples to get us to think critically. Some might call it a "slippery-slope thought experiment" that He asks us to perform. If I may...

    - if you went to a malaria-endemic country in Africa, would you get chemoprophylactic anti-malaria drugs, or would you just risk it? Because as a general rule, the people who actually live in those areas think malaria is SO normal that they don't get anti-malaria preventative drugs or use bed nets. These people "know better" than you (and would probably make fun of you if you did) because they think it's normal. Is it okay to think that something new-to-you is scary enough to take precaution against? Or can it not be about fear, only compulsion?

    - what association do you make between the sign of the beast and a mask worn during some other outbreak, like the plague (middle ages, Europe), the SARS epidemic (2003, mostly just China), the Spanish influenza pandemic (1918, worldwide), or even the bed nets given out in Africa to combat mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and yellow fever? Would you similarly disapprove of coverings used in these outbreaks?

    - washing your hands is ineffective also, using the standards you mention--to be effective, you can have no spread from the host to the environment. So will you keep washing your hands, which we have just proven is ineffective, or will you exercise your freedom? Will you also keep washing your vegetables before you eat them, since you know that is ineffective by the same measurements? Ask yourself, really ASK--why do I wash my hands? and that is the reason some people wear masks. Do you wash your hands to conform to some globalist agenda, or because you understand the germ theory of disease (however rare actual transmission, and especially death, are)? REMEMBER - if you wash your hands after you read this, you are now a "fraud" :)

    - face up to this one (see what I did there?)--if you agreed with the use of masks, then you'd be making a comparison to masks being part of putting on the whole armor of God, instead of putting on the mark of the beast. And you'd find scriptures to back it up, and post about it on your blog. And don't say you wouldn't. IT'S TRUE! :) Can we have a difference of opinion without one side being wrong? Or is that not possible in our world of absolutes? :)

    - when my captain, Moroni, commands, is it compulsion if I follow him? There is, as you know, a natural alienating principle in man to show his independence. So, if our prophet says, "Drive the team team of horses we're riding a wagon behind through those trees!" which are obviously too narrow to fit through, will we say, "Drive through!" when he stares us down, or stop the ride because he's cray-cray? Stay on the wagon, bro, and drive on through! paragraph beginning, "On Sunday 13th..."

    See you on the other side of the trees :)

    1. I had to read that a couple of times to ensure I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. You start with your qualifications which - let's face it - just looks like a crutch for your own self-doubt and reveals fact you're influenced by social pressure, academic pressure, and religious pressure. Consider the explanation of the large and spacious building by the Angel to Nephi includes this phrase:

      "Behold the world and the wisdom thereof; yea, behold the house of Israel hath gathered together to fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb."

      Masks don't work. They don't stop viruses. If they did, compelling them would be wrong. Liberty is such that we are free to make our own medical decisions and not be ruled over by such edicts. The numbers from the CDC and the WHO have been clear all along despite the enormous pressure for hospitals to over-report COVID cases and deaths (research monetary incentives here in case you are unaware.) This was never a pandemic. Not even close. Masks don't work. So why mandate them ... simple .. logic.

      Never would Captain Moroni command his army to wear a mask, and if he commanded the general public at large, well he'd be among the very king-men he compelled to take oaths of LIBERTY or be put to death--a just judgement of evil men by a righteous man that included a path of escape from the judgement they deserved.

      I suggest you take a long, inward look of self inventory with the Lord. Do you really feel these mask mandates have nothing to do with the coming election? Who is commanding folks to mask up? Almost universally, democrats who hate liberty, hate america, and oppose all that is good and just and true are the ones commanding us to "wear a mask." Corrupt republicans are doing the same. All of this in the face of stats that, even with fraud, don't support such drastic measures EVEN IF MASKS WORKED which they don't. Wake... .up!

      Joe Biden said he'd EO a national mask mandate, which is of course thoroughly unconstitutional. I suggest a read of Moroni 7 which is a sermon by Mormon on the nature of good and evil and how you can know with perfect knowledge as the day is light and as the dark is night the difference between them. The filthy swamp fountains of our corrupt politicians are in fact spewing forth filthy water.

      If the Lord were here among us today, what would He say? Be a good global citizen and mask up? You should pray on that one. Whose shame will you bear? God's or man's? Consider the Apostles stood for truth in the face of death and chose death rather than to bend their knee to Caesar.

      Choose ye this day whom ye will serve.

    2. Thanks for responding with your thoughts. I'll definitely try to keep my eyes open. Keep up the good work on your blog, my friend. I always enjoy it.

    3. Thank you Clark & Co. I found an amazing quote (on a BYU petition against contact tracing of all places) that encapsulates the liberty aspect of what I was trying to convey above:

      "Under the law of nature, all men are born free, every one comes into the world with a right to his own person, which includes the liberty of moving and using it as his own will. This is what is called personal liberty, and is given him by the Author." ~ Thomas Jefferson

      Isn't that an incredible quote? I seem to glean more from it each time I read it. There are countries were folks are forced to wear masks. I mean think about that! Are we for or against this compulsion? Even if this were a really scary pandemic, which it is not - we should never give up our liberty especially to those who would scare it away from us.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with you on the mask mandate garbage. But I must take issue with the ....we have modern day revelation.....if we do where is it? When was the last time a modern day "prophet" prophesied in the name of the lord and use the term ...thus sayeth the lord...? Our prophets are not guiding the flock with revelation but are going along with these gadianton robbers and leading their sheep astray. The Davidic King must come like Moroni did and cast out these gluttonous dogs and set in order the house of God.

    1. You know what's funny Desertson, is I thought I had written the above and you were quoting me. Suffice it to say we don't disagree at all. Although I don't believe our "watchmen" were ever meant to be prophets, seers, and revelators (let's face it the scriptures are clear there is a hiearchy there, and "seeing" CERTAINLY hasn't been happening for quite some time,) I do believe they are the watchmen of D&C 101. They were supposed to build a watchtower, which to me, means they were supposed to take what was revealed and build upon it rather than wallow in it.

    2. There are still prophet today or should I say people who see LORD in their dreams or vision whatever you called it . Its false conception there isn't. However, at the same time there are a lot a lot of false prophet as mentioned in revelation. So we don't know what's what..really...but yeah a lot of us will be deceived even the elected...and yes the mask fits all description of its. I dont know how am i suppose to escape from that though. Can only pray for things will bring to light.
      The point is bible is full of symbolism mark of the beast is symbolic ....just like four heads of the like cain's mark on the forehead...right hand is represented honor in bible....and yeah language barrier is suffocating...hebrew to greek greek to english...don't even know whats what..and the china plague i do not know if its really entirely God's wrath or just some satan's work of biolab weapon to stop the civilians from protesting for freedom...that very year were coincidence with the time of strong protest n demonstration on unfair laws n stuff... To me the coronavirus was a weapon of one world order rather than God's plague. God's plague is yet to come I think but its possible for God's punishment to the wicked for not repenting their murder by using the very weapon they themselves to created n get killed by it themselves

  4. Indeed it is the Mask of the Beast. But take care, as it is not the ONLY mark of the beast, there are levels to it.

    The truth is that Corona is God's weapon, and so is this reaction to it. Your people have not learned the lessons and have not listened to the prophet.

    It's very disrespectful to the Lord, this hubris if man in ignoring those crying out and trying to force them to do what they desire. They've no right, but those who sin are deserving of no rights either.

    Man has resisted God in order to plunder existence. Shall he continue to do so, or face the penalty?

    J H


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