Eleven Months Later...

Eleven Months Later... **update nov 1, 2021** ***update Nov 24, 2022***

Thank you for all who have done so much in the chats, and those who kept the articles alive. Thank you. Eleven months ago, I went down in a 38 39 day coma beginning of a 13 of November. It was a Friday 13th all together... Well some together. I am going to trust in God and put  more out there and see happens.

Fall Final

We were falling backwards.  Joseph F. Smith had it - The Apocalypse of Abraham in 1899! We got it! Right? WRONG. We attached to the Book of Abraham various scriptures from the Apocalypse of Abraham. We found lots of them... AND? It should have been made scripture--made into canon. BUT IT DIDN'T.

I went on and found Wilfred Woodruff. He died near the Behomian Grove (if you're remember, its bad. Real bad.) Wilfred Woodruffs upset is bad--real bad. The church was sinking. The US government was also condemning on our light and he had fingers left. The, well, he was poisoned where we couldn't help him--The Behomian Grove. Satans are known there. But, Jesus Christ are the only who rise at the end. I'll the take the latter. 

So I have a Stroke in November 13, 2020 on a Friday. Man... This is hard stuff. Crazy crap...But here I am. And I am listening to my Wife and my Mom at Red Robin couple months ago. And suddenly I'm listening carefully. Brigham Young is a fake. And I sit there like he sees Zombies with eyes like big Os.... Like this:   O.O

Of course he is! 50 wives... Of course he is. Blood Atonement... OF COURSE HE IS! FAKE! But this... D&C 130:22 was the FAKE that Brigham Young gave us. Here a scripture he, Brigham Young, gave us in its FAKE from...I knew all of things but still ... they....were....FAKE.


D&C 130:22 The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.

Really? Here's Joseph Smith: 

“The Holy Ghost is a personage, and a person cannot have the personage of the H. G. in his heart

Stand up! According to Joseph Smith you CANNOT have the personage of the Holy Ghost in his heart. Does make sense? So the switches came in 1854 well over TEN years Joseph Smith had died, and I, that could have made. That one REALLY makes me mad.

What about this?

But the Holy Ghost is yet a spiritual body and waiting to take to himself a body, as the Savior did or as God did or the gods before them took bodies; for the Savior says the work that my Father did do I also. . . . He took himself a body and then laid down his life that he might take it up again. (The Words of Joseph Smith, p. 382; standardized)

How does one try D&C 130:22 is played true? Woops! The Holy Ghost IS taking a body. He's here!

But what of Joseph Smith? He is STILL the prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ. I still feel a passionate sweetness... I can still feel the spirit. 

Last Sunday, was a friend showed us an early showing that is putting together regularly Joseph Smith assassination. About four (husbands and wives) were connected that I respected. The first of 3/4 that was that it didn't really makes to me. And the last spirit (1/4 theory) was STRONG. John Taylor and Willard Richardson turn their backs on them and killed them. Yes. John Taylor and Willard Richardson killed Hyrum Smith and Joseph Smith. If you don't believe it, listen to the Spirit when it comes at Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost reign. 

I will say later for now... 


  1. I don't think this comes from Joseph Smith:

    “The Holy Ghost is a personage, and a person cannot have the personage of the H. G. in his heart"

    I believe that was Joseph quoting Elder Hyde and correcting him. Here is the quote from the Joseph Smith Papers:

    again revertd to Elders Hyde mistake. &c the Father has a body of flesh & bones as tangible as mans [p. [42]] the Son also, but the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit.— and a person cannot have the personage <​of the H G. [Holy Ghost]​> in his heart he may recive the gift of the holy Ghost. it may descend upon him but not to tarry with him.—

    I believe the correct understanding of the Holy Ghost is what Joseph put in the Lectures on Faith.

    1. So does this the power of Jesus Christ and the power of the Heavenly Father CAN'T descend to the Holy Ghost he can't incarcerate. Come on, think about it. Did you read the link of BYU? Pretty crystal clear.

    2. This comment is too large to be posted as one comment. Blogger won't allow. So this will be part 1 and I will then post part 2.

      The big take away I got out of reading the BYU link, is that BY didn't go to God, pray about it and get a revelation to answer the question. Christ (nor even Moroni) didn't appear to him and clear up the doctrine for him. It seemed he was depending on the clerks, WW & George A analyzing scripture as well as words of JS, then a dead prophet, to clarify the issue. It seems then, and more than ever now, the analytical/scholarly tail has been wagging the "first presidency" dog.

      I have read many of BY's talks from the JofD over the years. I love his talks for the most part. And several times he makes it very clear he is not a visionary like JS. He made no bones about it.

      I almost vomit every time I hear President Nelson talk about how the church is being in a "continual restoration".

      This conference his whole emphasis on how what we would hear in this conference was "pure truth, pure doctrine and pure revelation" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbfO8N-C4IQ while at the same time they required everyone who attended to be jabbed, likewise turned my stomach.

      Mistakes made by "prophets" have never really bothered me. Jonah ran the opposite way God told him to. Moses got proud for a moment. Prophets are mortal and can make mistakes, big deal. This whole Jab issue, wanting to be "good global citizens" and the church snuggling up to the UN is not okay. The jab requirement is a mistake I believe will kill many members of the church; but that is my personal view and I digress.

      I want another JS, Moses, Elijah, Nephi or the like to come on the scene. I am ready for the Davidic servant to show up and set the Lord's house in order. Enough of this "the prophet can never lead us astray" nonsense. We need a real prophet whose revelatory power exceeds that of the average member of the church (bishops and stake presidents included).

      I can't read Isaiah 28 in Avraham's or KJV versions without it being so plain to me that it is talking about our day. The "prophets" and "seers" of "Ephraim" is what it is talking about. It starts the chapter with a "woe", which is a condemnation.

      It says "1 Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine!"

      Then in verse 7-9 it says

      "7 ¶ But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

      8 For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.

      9 ¶ Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

    3. Here is part 2

      Who is our quorum of the twelve if not prophets of Ephraim? This is talking about just prior to the second coming. The drunkenness is not literal drunkenness, but delusion and trusting in man.

      Then verses 17 & 18 further chastise the drunken prophets for trusting in their agreements with the world

      "17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.

      18 ¶ And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it."

      Notice it says "covenant with death", not covenant of death. Death is another name for the anti-christ of the last days. These prophets and seers actually make an agreement with the beast.

      At the very least all this drunkenness keeps them from seeing the dangers like they were supposed to so they could properly warn the people of upcoming dangers for in Isaiah 56:10 it says "10 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber."

      The parable in D&C 101:43-54 is talking about this same latter day sleepy, drunken, prophets time just prior to the Lord's return too. The Lord's servants left in charge of the twelve tribes of Israel become more worried about money and don't keep the commandment to "build the tower". This causes them to not see the dangers and be able to warn the people.

      I think it is significant that the Lord refers to them as "servants" rather than "those people". They were the ones with the keys who had a specific responsibility to carry out. Isaiah calls them "prophets" and "seers", again they had the keys, they just fail to keep their commandments.

      I really want to know what the tower is in D&C 101. Is it the holy order King and Priest, (like king Mosiah was to Alma) that JS wanted to set up with Hyrum being the prophet, that the apostles talked JS out of setting up? Just wondering. I don't really know. But my theory is that the tower is something that was supposed to be set up that wasn't, that could have prevented the drunkenness that we are now dealing with.

    4. The Davidic Servant is The Holy Ghost. They're one and the same. 😇

    5. David, the Stroke is hitting me a little less and less every day... And one day, it will be gone during this life.

      But still it gets me, every day.... Every day


    6. That is a rough one, especially as young as you are. We all have a lot to go through before we are clean, pure and refined enough to be the remnant in the New Jerusalem. I often think about what Abinidi had to go through and wonder how it is possible for me to live that worthy without similar trials. (I am not wishing for them.) I never had to testify while being burned at a stake. It is things like this that make multiple mortal probations make so much sense. Many of us on earth will no doubt have severe trials to go through in the days ahead. I pray that all of us remain faithful through whatever we are called to pass through in this mortality in the times ahead.

    7. Gosh... I know. MMP can give you multiple opportunities. But not now. This is it. Stroke... Sorry pal. That will include Stroke which does painful right arm and painful right leg. You aren't right handed are you. That will make certain typo challenging... Longer than used to be.

      But it still will give ahead... We will still receive. Jesus Christ and his son the Holy Ghost.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Alaris, I am sure sorry to hear about your stroke and other health problems you have had to deal with! I have really missed all your additional insights and wondered why the long pause in between articles. I am sorry you are having to go through such hard health challenges. I will remember you in my prayers. Get well brother!

    2. David loved you take on the brethren and Alaris your blogs are epic

    3. David loved you take on the brethren and Alaris your blogs are epic

    4. DannyWilkinson-AvonUK Thanks brother.

  3. Hi there. I'm glad you are on the road to recovery and starting to write again. I hope you make quick progress. I've enjoyed your writings and found them compelling. I have many questions but here is one that might be straightforward for you to respond to....

    We are taught that the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit, meaning unlike the Father amd Son he does not have a physical body (at least prior to taking on mortal body in the latter days).

    You also make a case that the Holy Ghost is the Angel of the Lord and that references to this angel and his acts in the scriptures are in fact references to the Holy Ghost and one of the roles he plays.

    Here's my question: D&C 129:1 states that angels are a specific class of beings who have bodies and flesh and bone. How would you explain the Holy Ghost, which has no physical body, serving as the Angel of the Lord, which would seem to have a body by definition? Multiple mortal probations? An exception to the rule/definition?

    I'm not challenging your ideas. I'm just trying to understand how you would reconcile that. Thank you.

  4. I offered my hand of friendship & you rejected it.

    1. I guess that's a reference to D&C 129. It's clever. I want Alaris to know I didn't write that though and remain interested in understanding. Thank you.

    2. I had a dream in 2002 of living waters flowing out of my mouth filling up desserts and people dressed in white robes drinking from it, two days later the missionaries knocked on the door, 30 seconds after reading about living waters for the first time in my life in John 4. I saw other things in my dream but I am not prepared to say any more.

    3. :-)

      I am getting better. Thank you. My blogger will personal sheen.... 2022 year. Almost, 7 / seven years when they arrive. January 15, 2015 was my Excommunication from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Its January 7, 2022. I got about a week or so. Seven... Years.

      What about that we call America. 2017 it starts August and 2024 it makes a large X spot.... Peace.... Salem 7 times. It will do it 7 more. 😇

    4. In 1974 Jesus & Heavenly Father came to visit me in my home on Passover, on April 6th, in answer to a prayer. As the visit first presented itself on a very personal level, ( The three of us being as ONE ), it proceeded to becoming a vision of the future in which Heavenly Father revealed me leading a great work for the gathering of His People.

      I was not a member of the church at that time but was led to understanding that the Lord's Church on earth was the Mormon Church and joined it. I was then 21 years old.

      Since then, I have long since come to find the Lord's Church has been hi-jacked by Satan, for which very soon, Satan himself will be coming through the veil to incarnate the body of a certain church prophet, within the Navoo Temple, as part of a secret combination to conduct an Egyptian Resurrection Ceremonial Right, that is to be performed by High Ranking members of this Satanic Cult, on this side of the veil, in order to bring him through the veil. A prophet who is now deceased, ( Gordon B. Hinckley ). I am to confront him and things will move on from there. I was promised also, that God would take me to Heaven to receive the power & Authority from Him Directly, as this Strange, yet Great & Marvelous Work was to begin, so I would have the Power & Authority to accomplish this.

      Alaris's claim to be the Holy Spirit in the flesh and his understanding of MMP is False. Alrais, I realize you will not publish this comment. BEWARE....Satan has deceived you.

      The time now appears to be very close to seeing the Vision & Promise imparted to me to by Heavenly Father Himself & the Lord as His Witness, to happen very soon. Your stroke was for God's Purpose to shake you & hopefully bring you back to God.


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