The Book of Enoch Commentary - Chapter 42

The Book of Enoch Commentary - Chapter 42

CHAPTER 42 source

1. Wisdom found not a place on earth where she could inhabit; her dwelling therefore is in heaven.

2. Wisdom went forth to dwell among the sons of men, but she obtained not an habitation. Wisdom returned to her place, and seated herself in the midst of the angels. But iniquity went forth after her return, who unwillingly found an habitation, and resided among them, as rain in the desert, and as a dew in a thirsty land.

Well that was a brief chapter! The prior chapter was a vision, so this chapter isn't clear as to whether "wisdom" left Earth during the days of Enoch or whether this is a prophecy. As there were parallels and dual prophecies in the days of Isaiah, so are there parallels with Enoch and the end times. Like Enoch, the "Elect One" will gather the righteous and build ZION.

As we're witnessing now with the COVID-19 fraud, perhaps Wisdom left the Earth in the days of Enoch as well. The fraudulent death counts, the fraudulent "second wave" perpetuated with fraudulent testing and misrepresenation of what a "positive" case means including counting one person many times if they've been tested more than once, etc. etc. - lunacy reigns will wisdom has completely departed. While people wear useless masks that do far more harm than good and take orders from the likes of Dr. Anthony Fauci who at once both condemned masks and embraced HCQ as a cure and a "vaccine" for Coronaviruses ... wisdom has apparently departed from the Earth.



  1. Yes, yes. And yes. Wisdom has left the earth.

  2. In my tiny geriatric town 9 people got covid and 9 people recovered from covid with little fanfare....yep wisdom has left us.

  3. The Book of Enoch even contains what appears to be a proto-Gnostic Sophia myth. In 42.1–3 we read of the discomfiture of Wisdom (Hokma; Greek: Sophia):

    1Enoch 42.1 Wisdom found no place where she could dwell, and her dwelling was in Heaven.
    42.2 Wisdom went out, in order to dwell among the sons of men, but did not find a dwelling; wisdom returned to her place, and took her seat in the midst of the Angels.
    42.3 And iniquity came out from her chambers; [some Valentinian Gnostics attributed the
    creation of the cosmos and its creatures to an abortion of Sophia called
    Archamoth] those whom she did not seek she found, and dwelt among them, like rain in the desert, and like dew on the parched ground.



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