Who Killed Joseph Smith?


World Premier: Thursday, 13 January 2022 @ 7 pm

Thanksgiving Point Megaplex, Lehi, UT

or stream online at www.whokilledjosephsmith.com



No question here: go to the website!


You guessed it right. John Taylor and Willard Richards were guilty of Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith. That's it.


  1. Wow! Just watched that video. I'm going to be processing that one for a while. I have felt kicked in the stomach all day. The theory explains many parts of the official story that seemed odd but I just accepted without really thinking about it. Not sure what all the ramifications are if his theory is correct. I'm still pondering the whole thing.

  2. People who watch this video on Joseph Smith I think should watch these two other videos. I think it sheds a lot of light on the possible motives.

    1. Interview w/ Whitney Horning, Author of "Joseph Smith Revealed: A Faithful Telling" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTbl4zlqLdQ

    2. First LDS Polygamist: Joseph or Brigham?

    1. #2 there on the "First LDS Polygamist" .... I may around him, Rob Fatheringham, but doesn't believe in a Holy Ghost. How does one live and a 3 entity survive?

      Here's a few:

      “Peter and Stephen testify that they saw the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. Any person that had seen the heavens opened knows that there are three personages in the heavens who hold the keys of power, and one presides over all.” Joseph Smith History of the Church vol 5, p426

      “Everlasting covenant was made between three personages before the organization of this earth and relates to their dispensation of things to men on the earth. These personages … are called God the first, the Creator; God the second, the Redeemer; and God the third, the Witness or Testator.”(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 190)

      “[It is] the province of the Father to preside as the Chief or President, Jesus as the Mediator, and the Holy Ghost as the Testator or Witness. The Son [has] a tabernacle and so [does] the Father, but the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit without tabernacle.” (“Chapter 2: God the Eternal Father,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, (2007),36–44

    2. Fotheringham was just trying to make sense of JS's definition of the Godhead. He said he may be wrong on that point. What I liked about his video was him showing all of the documents proving BY changed church history to try to make it appear JS was involved with Polygamy. If JS was against polygamy and BY & Taylor was for it that could explain the motive. Especially if it is true they were already living it behind JS's back.

  3. Alaris,

    I am completely convinced at this point that Joseph Smith did not ever practice Polygamy. Videos on the Hemlock Knotts and Rob Fotherinham YouTube channels have been the most helpful. I believe that was BY's, Richard's & Taylor's motive for killing the prophet.

    I am also slowly searching through the Joseph Smith Papers, but not knowing where to look exactly is making it a slow process.

    I know that Oliver and JS never stated that Elijah appeared in Kirkland. In fact Joseph months before his death referred to it as a future event. What I am trying to find out is how much if any of the temple endowments did JS do before his death, and what changes (besides BY's oath of vengeance and the Adam God doctrine) was added by BY?

    You obviously are a great researcher. Just wondered if you knew anything about this. I am looking for first hand unedited witness accounts written before JS's death.

    Thank you,

    1. Those are some of the great questions. Why was even polygamy a thought among their questions? There may be a, "You stuck among us anti-Joseph but you'll get (blah blah) for Polygamy." Boom... Its a deal!

      How close was it? Fifty BY?Jeez! If it was true, the polygamy have been there legitimately. Solomon polygamied his wives that he had polygamied from David. The same wives. Sex? Sex may not have been a part of it. But, there have been hugely a part of brethren a part of it... And now the polygamy that the modern Mormons.... Why? The LORD could still allow as he did.... Like a Brother dies and his wife still marries but she lives.... She then raises her kids to so to her brother! She! It all makes sense. BY wives counting 50 is a joke. But they knew something that you could take from the bible but this!!! Come on! Think!


    2. I have read every post of yours. I found so much of it well written and thought provoking, but also noticed a precipitous decline in the spirit of your overall message. Now you’re peddling pure baloney designed to tear down the Church of Jesus Christ. Just request your records be removed if you don’t believe.

    3. I fell under a stroke a little under a year ago. A work with one hand. And maybe.... A little stress. But, I am trying... 😉

    4. Unknown,

      I wish that what you said about Alaris' was correct.

      I obviously have no way of knowing if Alaris is the Davidic Servant or not, but frankly at this point I don't care. Prophesies tell us the things the Servant will one day do, such as translating the sealed portion of the BofM that JS wasn't allowed to translate. When the time is right, and when the servant's mission begins, the honest in heart will recognize it.

      But actually watch and consider the "Who Killed JS" video. It makes a whole lot of sense to me. Then go watch the YouTube channel by Rob Fotheringham, particularly his video on who started polygamy, JS or BY. We have the published before and after edited journals of JS now where we can see how BY and company changed all JS's teachings against polygamy to being in favor of polygamy.

      Only do this by the way if you have a strong enough testimony of the BofM and of JS, otherwise learning of the corruption, murder and whoredoms of BY will cause you to throw the baby (BofM & JS) out with the bath water (BY & Polygamy).

      I don't want to live in a time without a JS, Nephi, Moses or Elijah, but that is reality. That is where we are now. At first I felt like someone died. Then I got very angry at Nelson for not seeing Christ face to face like he has the calling to. But the spirit took that bitterness away when it told me to look in the mirror. It said to me "why haven't you seen Christ face to face yet? Every person can humble themselves and repent and get to that point. Don't be angry at someone else. Seek my face yourself."

      As my wife always says "I'd rather know the truth than not know." I for one personally do not care what the truth is, I just want to know what the truth is.

      The information I have shared in this post or the Alaris has put on this blog is not to tear down JS or the BofM; those things are verily true. They just shed light on corruption.

      JS was not trying to just establish a church. He was trying (as Moses) to bring a people into the presence of Jesus Christ. He was trying to build Zion. That is what we need to be focused on. To do this we need the prophesied forerunner of Jesus Christ's second coming to show up. He will bring us scriptures so powerful they will be impossible for the honest in heart to disbelieve them. He will be a latter day Moses type of prophet. Those living on the earth will be tried and refined through tribulation even as with fire so that we will be able to help build and be a part of actual Zion.

      That is what we need to be focused on. Defend what is good and true about the LDS church, but don't be afraid of finding out its mistakes. Cast those off like dross. We can't build Zion unless we can discern truth from error. :)

  4. What a joke, you people who claim JT & WR was part of a conspiracy to murder JS is pure bs fabricated lies, and then you claim to have the “spirit of God”?, also anyone who puts BY down I also have a problem with, there is not one of you imo that has done 1000th part of what BY has and if you so believe in JS then he had made BY’s calling and election made sure, and that is something none of you can claim

  5. Alaris first off I want to say thank you! God led me to one of your posts that directly answered a question i had been prating about! But I have to say I'm a little surprised and disappointed that you have this video posted!

    This is a long Rebuttle video and Worth the watch, it PROVES that Justin who made this Who Killed Joseph Smith video a total Lier (which is why I never even finished thst video, because he wasn't just wrong, the First thing out of his mouth was a LIE and he knew he was lying).

    The authority has to run in the church and the apostles fall asleep towards the END of the time of the Gentiles. The great scriptural deception is NOW not with the much more righteous earlier saints.



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