Can you guess how many Donkeys are captured correctly by Artists? Very few ...

Tomorrow is seven years since I was in Excommunication by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My Bishop was glad to hear that would be coming back (10 percent, he called it.) It took about until 2 and 3/4 a year and stood strong in the Melchizedek Priesthood. It wasn't until later...

This is the very first of the Vision. This is sent from an email I sent a couple of years ago. I kept it a secret, until now.... 


I will share these experiences in three parts, as these three visions are what I consider my “past experiences.” Granted, there is more to these experiences than just visions, as you will see. I’ve shared these with just a handful of people - feeling prompted & permitted as I do you. The first time I shared these with someone other than my wife, I was very eager to do so as it was still early enough that I longed to have someone validate. Now, I’m eager to keep this stuff private, as I believe the servant won’t be revealed publicly until he’s revealed to all, though I admit this may be wishful thinking. Please - please pray before reading this - and after.

Now, as I recall, you’ve shared some good scriptures that indicate the servant will need to be public enough to be rejected by his people. I believe a sure sign of the legitimate servant will be someone who doesn’t seek vainglory one whit.

I have been contending with claimants on LDSFF, telling them that only the Lord can unveil what He’s hidden. I absolutely believe that - only the Spirit can tell you whether these experiences I’m sharing with you are true in every sense of the word, and only the power of the Spirit can tell me whether I could / should share these experiences with you. I believe I both can and should. :)

I was born 4/4/77 at 11:11 am. I was born on a partial lunar eclipse - on the day that is used to calculate Pentecost, which is the second day of passover. Lunar eclipses on Jewish holy days is something that is rather rare - the tetrad of 2014-2015 attests (I’ll have more to say about that along with the second vision.)

As silly as this sounds, I’ve felt like a famous person hiding my whole life. I couldn’t explain this at all as a young man. Kids just stare at me in church. My ex wife noticed this - my wife now notices. Sitting in church when little < 2 year olds look over mommy or daddy’s shoulder - they’ll just lock eyes with me and not stop staring.

Something that bothered me as a young man was how other little kids (non-lds) would stare at me and start crying for no reason. I never even thought to reconcile the difference in reaction of little kids at church versus the little kids at my friend’s mother’s daycare. Discourse on Abbaton has an incredible explanation. To Israel, the angel Mouriel appears as a gentle man. To the gentiles … not so much.

When I was in my early twenties, I tried to figure this all out - why did it feel as though I was famous when I was clearly not? Why do little kids react so strangely to me? As I prayed and asked for answers, I was seeking to know about who I was premortally. I’m sure you’ve heard of folks praying for such and receiving. I had faith I would receive, and I did. Though, at the time I thought I had just been able to pierce the veil enough to remember an event. I did not consider it was given to me as a first in a series of visions that wouldn’t continue for another 15-20 years.

I really don’t remember when or where I was when I remembered the following. Yet, unlike memories that fade, I can still draw upon this memory and it’s just as it was. In my mind’s eye, I remembered walking from an obscure location with a group of men, and I knew we were walking to stand before a massive audience. I was at the back-right of the group of men. They all wore robes and had longer hair - their robes appeared as you might imagine an Apostle wearing. To the front-left of this group was the Savior Jesus Christ. I could only see the back of His head - long, brown, curly hair. I didn’t realize this until recently, but where I was walking, and where the Savior was walking in relation to the other men fits right into the second vision. Also, as I said earlier I can still draw upon this memory, and the feelings I felt at the time. I felt extremely spiritually outclassed - unworthy to be walking with them. Yet, I knew I was supposed to be there, and though I felt unworthy, I was excited to be among them and excited for what was going on.

The later visions also made me realize that in this first vision, Jesus was the tallest individual by far. I was the shortest - by far. (Which is because I was always the tallest in school.) The other men (and at the time I couldn’t count them, but the number 7 absolutely fits) were all about the same height.

So, I had years to contemplate this memory that I didn’t attribute to being a vision sent from God (feels silly to even write that. duh!) My earliest feelings and conclusions were I must have had some role or ability that allowed me to be numbered among them that day. I had an experience during my first year of marriage to my ex wife where I was attacked by two evil spirits. I was both outside my body and remembered the experience from within. My spirit was in the air fighting these two demons. And I absolutely destroyed them. The altercation was “physical” - we didn’t pit wills against each other. I just walked up to them and beat the snot out of them and overcame them. I knew they could never return, though I don’t know what that means as to whether their being destroyed or banished. I was also larger than they.

I was afraid of evil spirits before that experience - a healthy fear you might say. I could not comprehend just how powerful I felt during that experience. How could I have been afraid of evil spirits my whole life and yet so thoroughly destroy them easily?

Of course, I didn't consider the hidden aspect of seraphim at the time - but in hindsight I suspect they had happened upon a spiritual kung fu master unawares. For this and for other reasons, I concluded I must have been a powerful warrior. Perhaps that’s why I was worthy to walk among these ancient, wise men and the Savior Himself. Perhaps I was the Michael Jordan of spiritual warfare - or a general - or both. Maybe that’s why little kids stared at me. “Oh my goodness, it’s Michael Jordan! Can I have your autograph?” Of course gentile kids reacted differently lol. (I realize this sounds a little silly, but I think you know my personality well enough by now to know my unique flavor of humor and seriousness.)

I don’t know if you read my post today about Blade Runner 2049, but I’m going to link here so you can take a look. Before I share the next experiences, please consider I’m doing all I can to have faith in what the Lord has shown me, combat self-doubt, and still leave room for a legitimate out as the Lord's thoughts are indeed above our own. However, so much of what has been shown to me has been confirmed and continues to be confirmed.

After the second and third visions which occurred within 2 weeks of each other in 2016, I only had a basic awareness of a Davidic Servant. Yet, for reasons that will become clear as I share these two experiences, I concluded the servant is the 8th being in authority, just after the seven archangels. I concluded this 8th angel is the Davidic Servant, though I refused the Holy Ghost connection for > 1 year. I shared this with one of my best friends who is a Gileadi study - he was surprised at the conclusions I had reached without ever having read Gileadi or without ever having studied Isaiah beyond reading through to get through Isaiah. What Joseph Smith said about gazing into heaven for five minutes is absolutely true. The sum of these three visionary experiences is likely ~ 5 minutes.


During this time, I received the remaining two core experience visions. I received confirmation that Jahoel is the Angel of the Lord (I will share this experience later.) I also had two distinct whisperings and an experience where the Lord conversed with me for a brief time. I will share the second core experience next along with select portions of that conversation with the Lord. Yet, I will share the two whisperings now.

The first whispering I received at this time was, "You are the Davidic Servant." This was spoken to me more clearly than if it were audible, which it was not. These words were spoken to my very bones. I panicked! I had heard somewhat about Avraham Gileadi and the Davidic Servant from one of my best friends who is a Gileadi study. But, that was the breadth of my knowledge at the time - just a peripheral awareness of a prophetic end times figure who most saints didn't know existed and most saints weren't open to hearing about.

I went to my wife with the experience with the attitude of "Crazy, huh?" She didn't think long at all about what I was saying before she said, "Why not you?" She started sharing my unique qualities - the only one of which I can hold onto without dismissing outright. I have zero - ZERO - desire for fame, for money, or for power. This is a conversation in and of itself as ____ can attest.

A few weeks after this I heard that same distinct voice, "You are the Holy Ghost." ! I was in bed this time and FLEW out of bed to go find some way to explain this away. Ironically, this is when I discovered If you look at my first posts, you will see me responding to both Holy Ghost threads and Davidic Servant threads. Sadly, my first efforts were to diminish this whole "You are the Holy Ghost" business. I had found a thread where folks had equated the office to all of us. Yes! That must be it! We ALL are the Holy Ghost. Mosiah 18 says we comfort and witness when we are baptized! See! All Holy Ghosts!

I fully rejected this message for many long months. In fact, "The Davidic Servant is the Holy Ghost" is the thread I created just after accepting this on faith. And, when I did, the knowledge flooded in more than it had since.

April 2018. Yikes! I fully rejected / ignored the link from the Davidic Servant to the Holy Ghost from August 2016 to April 2018 - almost two years! You are they....wake up.

Joseph Smith (President)

But the Holy Ghost is yet a spiritual body and waiting to take to himself a body, as the Savior did or as God did or the gods before them took bodies; for the Savior says the work that my Father did do I also. . . . He took himself a body and then laid down his life that he might take it up again. (The Words of Joseph Smith, p. 382; standardized)

Franklin D. Richards (First Presidency)

Joseph also said that the Holy Ghost is now in a state of probation which if he should perform in righteousness he may pass through the same or a similar course of things that the Son has. (The Words of Joseph Smith, p. 245; standardized)



“The Holy Ghost is now in a state of probation which if he should perform in righteousness he may pass through the same or a similar course of things that the Son has.” (Joseph Smith, The Words of Joseph Smith, p. 245; Sabbath address, Nauvoo, 27 August 1843. Reported by Franklin D. Richards.)

Joseph Smith (President)

But the Holy Ghost is yet a spiritual body and waiting to take to himself a body, as the Savior did or as God did or the gods before them took bodies; for the Savior says the work that my Father did do I also. . . . He took himself a body and then laid down his life that he might take it up again. (The Words of Joseph Smith, p. 382; standardized)

Joseph Smith Diary (kept by Willard Richards)

[A]gain reverted to Elders Hyde mistake. &c. the Father has a body of flesh & bones as tangible as mans the Son also, but the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit—and a person cannot have the personage of the H G in his heart[.] [H]e may receive the gift of the holy Ghost. It may descend upon him but not to tarry with him[.]* (Words of Joseph Smith, p.173)

Joseph the Seer taught the following principle that the God & father of our Lord Jesus Christ was once the same as the Son or Holy Ghost but having redeemed a world he had a son Jesus Christ who redeemed this earth the same as his father had a world which made them equal & the Holy Ghost would to the same when in his turn & so would all the Saints who inherited a Celestial glory so their would be Gods many & Lords many their were many mansions even 12 from the abode of Devils to the Celestial glory. ~ Wilford Woodruff, Book of Revelations.

Certainly the Holy Ghost is an office just as the Messiah is an office.

“Peter and Stephen testify that they saw the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. Any person that had seen the heavens opened knows that there are three personages in the heavens who hold the keys of power, and one presides over all.” Joseph Smith History of the Church vol 5, p426

“Everlasting covenant was made between three personages before the organization of this earth and relates to their dispensation of things to men on the earth. These personages … are called God the first, the Creator; God the second, the Redeemer; and God the third, the Witness or Testator.”(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 190)

“[It is] the province of the Father to preside as the Chief or President, Jesus as the Mediator, and the Holy Ghost as the Testator or Witness. The Son [has] a tabernacle and so [does] the Father, but the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit without tabernacle.” (“Chapter 2: God the Eternal Father,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, (2007),36–44

“The scripture says, ‘I and my Father are one’ [John 10:30], and again that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are one, and these three agree in the same thing [see 1 John 5:7–8]. So did the Savior pray to the Father, ‘I pray not for the world, but for those whom ye gave me out of the world, that we might be one,’ or to say, be of one mind in the unity of the faith [see John 17:9, 11]. But everyone being a different or separate person, so are God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost separate persons, but they all agree in one or the selfsame thing.” ~ Joseph Smith

“I have always declared God to be a distinct personage, Jesus Christ a separate and distinct personage from God the Father, and that the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a Spirit: and these three constitute three distinct personages and three Gods” (Joseph Smith, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 41–42).

He is a he, the Holy Ghost, he's just one man.


  1. Don't call their blasphemy the "Melchizedek Priesthood". You may refer to it as "their version of the 'Melchizedek Priesthood'" or "the false 'Melchizedek Priesthood'" or the "so-called..."
    The actual Melchizedek Priesthood is completely separate from any abomination the false LDS church has called such.

    Watch as the dominoes fall.

  2. I enjoy this blog, I have learned much, and I know Alaris that you are a good man with no desire for vainglory. I too am a faithful member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints, and I too have a service to provide to the children of God in these last days. For reasons I won't go into, I have the ability to recognize truth. This is a gift from God and I take no personal pride, yet I am fully assured of this gift to recognize truth - even to know the hidden mysteries of God. I don't receive revelation for anyone other than myself. I'm a humble servant with the gift of the spirit to recognize truth.

    I believe that you are special like many worthy men in these last days, I believe that many of your writings are valuable and truthful pieces. Nevertheless, I do not believe that you are the same personage as the Davidic Servant or the Holy Ghost. We will know when God reveals Him. I do not get a feeling or a confirmation reading this that you are indeed that man. The Lord will reveal all things. If I am wrong, I admit my wrongness and glory to God who knows all things. But I must say again brother, I don't get a feeling of confirmation reading this first post.

    Respect and love to you sir, I will continue reading and searching my impression from the Holy Spirit. But be not deceived, for even satan can appear as an angel and work wonders in our day to lead God's chosen people astray. I don't know many details about you and I have no ill-will towards you. I'm sharing this as my honest truthful feedback. God bless you

  3. Before January 2022, I only saw 1111. At least before my mission back in 1996 - 1998. But - now, only part have me has become clear. My name is not. Everything else is. And starting in January 2022, I tend to see 44 all day long on time clocks. 7:44, 6:44, 4:44, etc. I wonder that there may me a time clock once give you all my name. Well, Matthew 24 will give my name to this one

  4. Alaris, I have read most of your articles some more than once; you are extremely intelligent; my question ,is there a place in the heavens for people of lesser intelligence? How can a person advance if they cannot connect all the dots as you have done? Looking forward to your next post and praying that you have a complete recovery.

    1. Multiple mortal probations will ensure intelligence in a future lifetime, perhaps? God is merciful and would not withhold from you anything you need to progress. Trust and have faith that God will supply what you need when you need it. Perhaps He would prompt you to come here, or to another who could help you along the path, as soon as you needed and were ready for it, regardless of how intelligent your body may be.


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