
Please, please stop and say a prayer before reading on. I can attest these experiences are true, but only the Spirit can confirm the truth of what I am about to share with you, and more importantly, the implications. Please keep this private, unless absolutely compelled by the spirit to share (and let me know.) The stakes are so high and get higher with each passing day.

So I already shared with you my first vision that happened in my early twenties - where I am walking out in front of a large, large audience - perhaps everyone. I'm the shortest man walking near the back and can see the backs of the heads of all these men who are larger than me. The Savior is there with us walking toward the front and is larger than us all.

In 2015 I was Excommunicated. Though I had technically done some things that warranted Excommunication, I felt the Lord's surprisingly swift and powerful forgiveness. My wife also heard the Lord's words, "I forgive him." We were confident the Stake President and the High Council would tune into this and ere would be no Excommunication. Though I am not innocent like the Savior was, I had become innocent through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Being Excommunicated knowing you've been forgiven is difficult. Yet I purposed in my heart immediately to return through baptism. When I shared my intent with my Bishop he looked truly surprised. He told me only about 10 percent ever return. This 10 percent returning is a principle in Isaiah - in fact he named one of his three sons, Shear-jashub, which means, "A remnant shall return."

I was excommunicated smack dab in the middle of the four blood moons. My wife and I felt lost, but we agreed to make the most of our humbling situation and pray and seek. This was right when the church released photos and information on the Joseph Smith seer stone. This was not a coincidence. We focused our early study on seer stones. But, before we did, we got on our knees in deep humility and asked the Lord to receive.

And, receive we did. My wife found her seer stone. Her experiences preceded mine. I used her seer stone to see our premortal meeting and various glimpses with her in pre-mortality. I used her stone to find mine.

When my wife found her stone, she was awakened in the middle of the night and saw a translucent pyramid with writing all over it of curious characters. When I received my stone, that very night I woke and saw a translucent tablet with writing all over it. I've never been able to find any writing that looks like it, but reformed Egyptian is the closest to describe it. There was what looked like a signature symbol in the bottom left corner. In hindsight, Hebrew and other languages are written right to left. Bottom-left may be the "final" area. I believe what she saw and what I saw were written contracts or covenants pertaining to our stones.

Soon after I received my stone, (August 2016) I saw a vision one Sunday morning as I came out of sleep holding my stone. This seems to be the continuation of the vision I had in my twenties as you will see. I was standing on a stage with several men to my left - seven or eight of us in total - where I was at the far right. I looked left and could see they were all taller than I. My eyes locked on one man, and I knew it was Abraham. He had dark hair and a long beard. He looked resigned for some reason - not happy. I was excited during this part of the vision at seeing and recognizing Abraham! (excitement at the time of seeing the vision - I remember being excited and also feeling excited to see and recognize Abraham - layered) The Lord was further down the line and was presenting each man to the audience. I knew the audience was massive, but I could not "see" them. What was extremely curious to me was the way in which the Lord presented each man. He was extremely enthusiastic, and would touch and embrace each man enthusiastically - like nothing I've ever seen before. If someone were to show so much affection in public in our world today, undoubtedly this level of affection would draw unwelcome stares. He would muss hair and just show so much expression with His hands. Squeezing, hugging, patting, mussing, etc. It was truly a marvel.

Yet throughout this whole vision, I never saw His face. Not once. I could see He had brown, curly hair and a white robe. He was about a head taller than everyone on the stage, and they were a head taller than I. Later on I realized I could somehow see His smile without perceiving His face. I knew He was smiling exuberantly.

I don't know what the Lord said about each man - that was hidden to me. Eventually He came behind me and said, "This is *****. He will bring forth (or summon) the hosts of heaven." "Hosts" could have been "armies." I know the KJV Bible says hosts and 1 Enoch and other apocryphal works say "armies" or "spirits" as in the "Lord of Hosts / Armies / Spirits." Anyway, meanings are conveyed in these experiences, and sometimes two words have to be used to describe them.

Now, a name ***** was spoken, but it sounded odd in the vision almost like it was dubbed. I believe this name was hidden to me at the time.

The vision ended. Though I don't know for certain, this seems to be the destination of where we were walking in that first vision from my twenties. You can imagine what I felt upon witnessing this. This vision was vivid! Summon forth the hosts of heaven?? What does that mean?? I had zero clues at the time. There was no accompanying angel to explain anything, which is why I'm not 100 percent certain that this vision was a continuance of the first, though I believe this to be the case. These three visions could be three unrelated events, but I'd say the odds are extremely high they are three visions of one event.

2 weeks later I had the third vision in this series. Again, I can't be sure they were all sequential, but this third vision seemed to take place immediately after the second vision. Again, no accompanying angel to explain. I will relate this vision in a moment, but I want to fast forward to 2017 or 2018 (2018 I believe.) I felt prompted to study 1 Enoch, and bought a book that contains all three books of Enoch. As I read, I felt a buildup that's happened exactly three times like a buildup of spiritual anticipation that I'm about to read something truly important. As I read, I came upon this verse:

1 Enoch 61:10. And He will summon all the host of the heavens, and all the holy ones above, and the host of God, the Cherubic, Seraphin and Ophannin, and all the angels of power, and all the angels of principalities, and the Elect One, and the other powers on the earth (and) over the water.

11. On that day shall raise one voice, and bless and glorify and exalt in the spirit of faith, and in the spirit of wisdom, and in the spirit of patience, and in the spirit of mercy, and in the spirit of judgement and of peace, and in the spirit of goodness, and shall all say with one voice: "Blessed is He, and may the name of the Lord of Spirits be blessed for ever and ever."

As I read the first words of verse 10, well you can imagine just how excited I was! The spirit burned within me and I knew I had found a reference to what I had seen and had heard in vision! I later found a similar reference in Isaiah, but it wasn't quite as verbatim as this was. What a powerful witness of 1 Enoch this was to me.



  1. Most ldsers will be burning together in the pyres of eternal mourning in their pompous self-pride. Do not seek to join them.

  2. Then they will be ready once they are poor.

    "Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."


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