November 13th to December 21

You may be wondering, is it November 13th to December 21 2020 or November 13th to December 21 2022 (which is the shortest day.) Both are right. The first time period of 2020 is me. A coma (stroke) that started on November 13th 2020 and I awoke 38/39 days later on December 21, 2020. Now, exactly 2 years, November 13 2022 to December 21 2022, the evil Satanic beings has New Commandments.

Revelation 8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.

3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.

4 And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand.

2021.5 is around "half an hour" times 1,000 years. That was when my lovely wife received a dream where she learned 7 months, 7 years, and 7 hours. An Archangel. My wife learned that I would pass that time of 7 months, 7 days, and 7 days.  I passed it from six months from the shortest  to the longest days - from 6/21/2021 to 12/21/2020. Now we are 1 month (30 days), 7 days, and 7 hours which is 38 days - Coma. So, what happened on 6/21/2021? 6/21/2021 is exactly 2021.5!

But, let me see. I busted out the calendar and did a lot of magic - 1,000 years for a day / 24 hours in a day = 41.6. But he says:

Revelation 8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

41.6 per hour divided by 2 so you will have half an hour = 20.83. That's right when I'm falling for my Coma.  Wow! That is amazing!

But wait! There's more. We are also in 7 years of pain and 7 years of plenty and were just at the end of pain, and we are at a plenty (I hope!) 

I say its about time.  This one is important.

Messiah Ben Joseph = Behold a Hand

Messiah Ben David = Behold a Nail

Just think about it. First off, think of the Temple and  its 4 tokens - 2 each. "Behold The Hand" is first the Aaronic Priesthood and the last 2 "Behold the Nail" is dealing with the nail and the Melchezedek Priesthood.  Amazing! 

John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;

10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;

11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.


I was praying to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ not long after my Coma. My question would be, "After two years would be healed 100 % in my right hand, my right leg, and my left brain." A powerful yes occurred immediately! YES! This will happen 2-3 days from now. My Speech is at 95 %. My right leg is ... It's getting there. Maybe 75 % as I carry a brace. My hand ... My hand ... My Hand ... "Behold a hand" ... is the worst. It dragged up from 0 %, I couldn't move it an inch on day 1, to now it's 33 % ... Heavenly Father will you help me! 

On the outside of me, I've experienced 7 years of spiritual and physical pain - a little more than 7 years (almost 8 subtract 2 months.)  This is what happens next:

Revelation 8:5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

6 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. 

This also is the second sign (the first sign of 3 King signing themselves off) of the Messiah Ben Joseph, from David C. Mitchell and in secret from the Jews, of the Sun dying. We're there also be one year of no rainbows? Most Christians look forward as "tribulations." This is the time of power! This is the time of King Messiah.

Jupiter means Tzedek or "righteousness" is rising in the East. Venus is Jesus Christ. It's that simple.

Messiah Ben Joseph = Jupiter or Tzedek or Righteousness in the East

Messiah Ben David = Jesus Christ or Venus

Also, the second sign may be (Hidden until now, Judah) the Sun is dying or Magnetosphere. The magnetosphere may make the upside down and the downside up - also no rainbows for another year. Could that be? The Magnetosphere is the cause? Stay tuned!

Happy Veterans Day for my Father! 11/11/2022


  1. With respect and love, I think the evidence you’ve presented doesn’t seem compelling enough to me to suggest the DS is you. You still may be, but I don’t see rock solid proof yet. However, I’m sure you haven’t shared many of the pearls you treasure on this topic. I do have some comments:
    1. All the articles you’ve put together about the DS are brilliant.
    2. You seem to be the most spirit filled guy on the LDS freedom forum who discusses the DS. You also don’t roll in the mud with those seeking to argue.
    3. You’ve discussed items in the ‘fringe’ of LDS doctrine, but in my opinion, you haven’t “gone off the deep end”. You keep the spirit and don’t suggest any crazy & unsupportable doctrines.
    4. It’s clear to me that the spirit does speak to you about the Davidic Servant.

    Regardless of if this guy’s you or not, you’re a good man:) God bless you

    1. "You are the Davidic Servant," in 2015. Two weeks later, "You are the Holy Ghost." Damn. That's Powerful - I mean, it took the second one a year, but hey! What's a "Davidic Servant?"

      Don't bother brother - I don't recommend that people believe me. I mean, damn sir. Even the 12 (well 11) two thousand years ago couldn't keep a foot outside ... until the Resurrection!

      I just want you to pay attention and LOOK.

      D&C 113:3 What is the rod spoken of in the first verse of the 11th chapter of Isaiah, that should come of the Stem of Jesse?
      4 Behold, thus saith the Lord: It is a servant in the hands of Christ, who is partly a descendant of Jesse as well as of Ephraim, or of the house of Joseph, on whom there is laid much power.

      My father was from Ephraim - we could go 7 generations back and I was the youngest possible. My mother was from Judah.

      1. Why Thank you - I think
      2. It has been a long, long time. ... 2015 or 16 :P
      3. There are a few discussions that I have kept quiet. The 7 (7 Archangels) high holy days. Jesus Christ has fulfilled the 3 Spring days. Thank you. I fulfilled the Pentecost for late spring. And now what? 3 Days left including the Atonement Day. I only have one left - Tabernacles. But why?

      The trumpets day, or Rosh Hashanah Day was fulfilled 9/23/2017 - already discussed on this blog, but I have not discussed the Atonement Day ..nor the 7 days of Tabernacles. (Look up book of Tabernacles the last of Zechariah.)

      4. Of course the Spirit would speak to me of ... Me. :-)

    2. I read what your wrote. I see the evidence you've proposed. It's thoughtful thank you for sharing your pearls:)

      I thought I would share a story... I recently talked to someone from the Isaiah Institute about the DS and he told me that every day of the week someone new contacts and tells them that he's the DS. Each of these daily people have numerological, hereditary, spiritual and/or personal reasons why they think their the DS. All of these men are sincere and heartfelt. How is a sincere seeker of truth supposed to know who the real DS is?

    3. I believe all these claimants are elite SRA victims who have had witchcraft divination over them for generations and are obsessed with false bloodlines (which is why Mormonism is obsessed with genealogy, it’s necromancy at its finest). They suffer DID (dissociative identity disorder) and have been living a foolish lie for Generations . Just remember that the greater portion of Mormonism stems from generationally sodomized Freemasons (from infancy) who have been hidden behind generational satanism since they left UK with Joseph to flee those who discovered their true roots. Do a little research on why newly sodomized initiates into freemasonry are called neophytes (nephites). Anyone who has studied enough about the Davidic servant knows that it is literal that he shows up on the scene as a child. As did Yeshua in the temple. As God has left signs that we may not be deceived, as Yeshua will come in the clouds, and the antichrist on the land, all adults claiming to be the servant are antichrists. As the Davidic servant will not question who he is, nor will
      He be an adult. He will be a humble powerful innocent child of purity. God is not a God who lies or leaves things in confusion. He makes sure to leave clear literal signs that we may know and recognize the signs. I

    4. "About 2015 - 2016, I remember my first revelations. I remember I was in my room late at night. The voice of the Lord came upon me. He said unto to me, "I love you."

      "I love you too," I said. I wasn't sincere. I meant it like anyone receiving like anyone that.

      "No. You don't understand. I love you more than nations."

      *What have I to say ... *"

      The Messiah Ben David and The Messiah Ben Joseph

      Have any of them expressed such an magnitude of love?

      I have met probably 20 or so candidates of the Davidic Servant. What's my question for them? How did you know that God has chosen you?

      It's weird because there is nothing or like unto it. Here my answer:

      Back in 2015 /2016 I received a clear, strong voice that said, "You are the Davidic Servant."

      Who is he? But I kept myself open.

      About 2 weeks later I heard the same, strong voice that said, "You are The Holy Ghost."

      What!? This is gonna be fun. Soon after that, the Lord Jesus Christ wanted to talk to me. (Quoted at the beginning of this publish-ment)


    I can't figure this out clearly. The 8th day (8 Archangels including the King Messiah) on the first month and on the 2 year. Is she calling on the second of the Jubilee? According to her, all changes begining tomorrow! Like, BIG changes. Like ... the Davidic Servant to King Messiah ... Or that change will start. I feel the power of the Spirit.

    1. Well, she was wrong. However, there is a great (seemingly) push on gayness by the Mormons.

    2. The push for gayness is because of what I state here blow. The highest echelons and many followers are secretly sodomites.

      I believe all these claimants are elite SRA victims who have had witchcraft divination over them for generations and are obsessed with false bloodlines (which is why Mormonism is obsessed with genealogy, it’s necromancy at its finest). They suffer DID (dissociative identity disorder) and have been living a foolish lie for Generations . Just remember that the greater portion of Mormonism stems from generationally sodomized Freemasons (from infancy) who have been hidden behind generational satanism since they left UK with Joseph to flee those who discovered their true roots. Do a little research on why newly sodomized initiates into freemasonry are called neophytes (nephites). Anyone who has studied enough about the Davidic servant knows that it is literal that he shows up on the scene as a child. As did Yeshua in the temple. As God has left signs that we may not be deceived, as Yeshua will come in the clouds, and the antichrist on the land, all adults claiming to be the servant are antichrists. As the Davidix servant will not question who he is, nor eill
      He be an adult. He will be a humble powerful innocent child of purity. God is not a Good who lies or leaves things into confusion. He makes sure to leave clear literal signs that we may know and recognize the signs.

    3. He shall not fail or be discouraged till he hath set judgment in the earth and the isles

    4. Isn't that true - which scripture is that?

    5. They're obsessed with bloodlines because they're evilly tribal and like Herod want to identify and murder Christ to maintain their grip.

      Too bad they failed, because they're Morons, who thought to Best God.

  3. I Come in a Cloud,
    Loud like a Bell,
    Beyond Space Time,
    And Above As Well.

  4. When Nelson and Oaks were ‘ called in that order’. I thought that meant they would each face a test that had to do with talents they had developed. So something to do with medical for Nelson and then a test to do laws for Oaks. Looks like I am right! Please check in so we know your health is improving. Your blog has opened my mind to a higher level of understanding I am grateful for your willingness to share.

  5. We wanna see your patriarchal blessing !
    My little brother is the destroyer!


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